gamer level 9
87213 xp
87213 xp
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
450 xp
450 xp
Explorer (lvl 7)
15664 xp
15664 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
1410 xp
1410 xp
Reporter (lvl 5)
5694 xp
5694 xp
About Me
I like all kinds of board/card games and have an ever growing collection of both. I seem to be leaning towards co-op and worker placement games at the moment.
– Easy to learn
– Quick to play
– Multiple expansions for added re-playability
– Expandable up to 6 players
– Randomness in the cards. Not an issue for myself, but some prefer the structure of Dominion over the randomness of Ascension