Ticket to Ride: Switzerland
Designed specifically for 2 or 3 players, this Ticket to Ride expansion forces you to reconsider your strategies. It features Locomotive cards that can only be used on tunnel routes; only 40 trains per player; and new Destination Tickets that take you to surrounding countries.
The Swiss expansion contains a game board, 46 Destination Tickets and new rules, but requires an original copy of Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe to play.
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I would guestimate that most of us have played Ticket to Ride in some form or another, be it over a table top or on your mobile device. This wonderful expansions takes the regular game and perfectly sizes it to accommodate two to three players. Let’s check it out!
Components / Art:
As a Days of Wonder Game and one of their headliners, if not their bestselling line, you get a top quality game. The components are pretty basic as this expansion simply a new board and the destination tickets, but they are top notch. Both with the board and the tickets you also get great artwork. The colors and details are vibrant, and it is easy to appreciate the work that was put into the game.
There are tunnels in Ticket to Ride: Switzerland, and that will greatly influence your game play and decision making. And along with tunnels the use of wild cards are solely playable on tunnels. Also, you play Switzerland with five less trains then the other games that allow you to speed up the game a bit. Additionally, if you have an internal clock for your train count, it will be off a little since you are short now.
Special Features:
There are two special features in this game that I don’t believe are featured in any other Ticket to Ride game. That being the destination tickets that direct you from one country to another, or from a city to any country. While Switzerland is the main focus of this game, you can also travel and visit a few other countries while you are traveling. Those countries are France, Italy, Austria, and Germany. With the right destination cards you can either connect two of these countries or a certain city to a country. These destination cards will most likely prove to be your big ticket cards.
The nice thing about these cards is it gives you a chose. It will tell you for example that you have to connect France to one of the other countries and offer you three different point values for each one depending on how far you have to travel. The same thing with the city to country. You will have to connect Chur to one of the four countries for a point value.
With this you can either chose to take the longest and connect France to Austria, or you can take the easy route and connect France to Italy. Another nice feature is that each country has multiple routes into it, even though each route into a certain country is a dead end.
With these routes that offer different choices as to where you are going you may ask what happens if you fail to achieve your goal? Well in that case you simply are penalized the lowest value on the card. So these cards can have a huge reward with very little penalty.
The last feature that I like about these country cards is that it always takes an extra move to get into the country. You are never going for a city and a country at the same time, the country is a dead end essentially. If you and your opponent are heading into the same city, only one of you can get into the country from that point!
I didn’t really list too many negative features to this game, and the reason is that there are not many. I do a lot of gaming with just me and my girlfriend and this is one of my favorite games to break out. It is one that we are both very comfortable playing, but at the same time offers a good amount of tension with competing routes and strategy. This game sets out to fulfill a niche on your gaming shelf and it does so perfectly. Flawless Victory!
Originally released in 2007, Ticket to Ride: Switzerland was the first expansion for Ticket to Ride that was not a full game all by itself. Previously available only as part of the Ticket to Ride: The Computer Game, it provided a whole new board or country to play across. Most importantly, it required a full set of Train Cards, scoring markers, and Train pieces from Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe is needed to play. The cards from Ticket to Ride: 1910 can also be used, but the Train pieces will have come from somewhere else. Because its distribution of Train Cards is different, Ticket to Ride: Märklin is not considered compatible with Ticket to Ride: Switzerland. So what do you get with this board? Simply, the board, the rules, and a new set of Destination Tickets.
What really set Ticket to Ride: Switzerland apart – and still does – is that it is designed for either two or three players only. Which was long before Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries. Of course, in addition, Ticket to Ride: Switzerland adds a new type of Destination Ticket and a new way to play the Locomotive (or wild) Train Cards, all tied into the numerous tunnel routes which were first seen in Ticket to Ride: Europe.
Yet the first thing you notice about this expansion is the board. It a gorgeous piece of work, depicting Switzerland and its cities and routes, surrounded by the nations of Deutschland, Österreich, Italia, and France. These are not mere window dressing, but destinations in themselves that the players can connect to by claiming routes across their respective borders. The new cards are as equally nice, although everything does feel a little too like a chocolate box.
The simplest new rule for Ticket to Ride: Switzerland is a reduction in the number of Train pieces each player starts the game with – forty instead of the usual forty-five. A player also receives more Destination Tickets – five as opposed to three. Of these he must keep two. Any rejected Destination Tickets, including those rejected after drawing more during play are discarded from the game completely, thus making it possible to run out of Destination Tickets during a game.
Of the forty-six Destination Tickets, thirty-four connect two cities. The remaining twelve connect a city to another country or one country to another. The points scored for either of these new types of Destination Tickets varies and depends upon the country connected to. For example, completing the Zürich-to-country Destination Ticket scores a player just three points if he claims a route connecting to Deutschland, seven points to either France or Österreich, but eleven points if claims a route between Zürich and Italia. If a player does not connect either destination then he loses only the lowest point value for that Destination card, so in the previous example, only three points. Harder and longer routes of course, score more points, but these new city-to-country and country-to-country Destination Tickets make it easier for a player to score points, especially later in the game when a player draws extra Destination Tickets.
The way in which the Locomotive Train (or wild) cards are used in Ticket to Ride: Switzerland is radically different to that of the standard game. In ordinary Ticket to Ride, only one face-up Locomotive card can be drawn per turn and it is the only card that can be drawn on a turn. Here they are drawn as standard cards, so two Locomotive Cards can be picked up on a turn. Once in a player’s hand, Locomotive Cards can only be played to claim tunnel routes, either using all Locomotive Cards or combining with Train Cards matching the tunnel’s colour.
The last rule previously appeared in Ticket to Ride: Europe and concerns the tunnel routes, which are clearly marked with dots along their sides. To claim a tunnel route a player first pays the correct number of Train Cards, either in the matching colour, in Locomotive Cards, or a mix of both. He then draws the top three cards from the draw pile. For each of these three that match the colour of the cards used to claim the route, the player must an extra Train card of that colour. If the player has no extra cards of this colour, he receives his original cards back and his turn ends. He or another player can claim this tunnel route on subsequent turns, but either is still subject to what is the chance of having to pay a tunnel tax.
The first challenge with playing this expansion is answering the question, “Where the heck is…?” After all, Swiss geography is not going to be familiar to everyone and learning the routes is a whole new challenge by itself. Looking at the board it is clear that this geography is dominated by tunnels (well, this is Switzerland), mostly in the South and East. About a quarter of the tunnels are grey, meaning that any colour can be used to claim them, and the majority of grey routes are tunnels.
The second challenge is one that only happens in Ticket to Ride with five or six players – competing for routes. In a game with two or three players, there is usually very little competition and the game can feel as if everyone is playing alone. Not so with Ticket to Ride: Switzerland, where there are not only fewer routes, but everyone has fewer Trains to place. Within the borders of Switzerland each city is usually connected by at least three routes, but most routes are quite short so it is easy to block access or at least force a player to find another route. This is slightly offset by the city-to-country and country-to-country Destination Tickets which provide multiple choices in terms of routes and scoring.
Initially, a game of Ticket to Ride: Switzerland lasts about an hour, but with practice our games now last less than this. What we did find is that routes were harder to claim and that there was more competition for them, and because Locomotive Cards are no longer available for use as wild cards (except in tunnels), we accumulated fistfuls of Train Cards as we waited to get the ones we needed. In fact, we wanted a means of displaying Train Cards as easily they are in the computer game, ideally some sort of display tray. The other issue we have is one of packaging. The new slimmer box is a great idea, but there is actually very little room in the bottom of the box for the new Destination Tickets. The need for components from another game in the series also adds to the set up time, but this is a minor inconvenience.
There are two problems with Ticket to Ride: Switzerland. The first is minor, and a matter of geography. Any player receiving Destination Tickets following the board’s North-South axis and thus crossing the Alps via the many tunnels will find this game much more challenging. Of course, a player is free to discard these Destination Tickets and pick up new ones. The second is more of problem. It is possible for a player to complete the routes on his Destination Tickets and then when he takes new ones to find that the routes on these have already been completed or partially completed by the player. Essentially, this is free points for the player with no effort upon his part, and often, this can be done turn after turn by a player and this can be a game winning tactic with Ticket to Ride: Switzerland. For some players this might not be within the spirit of the Ticket to Ride family, and to be fair, this is not an unreasonable point of view.
Given how tight the routes are on Ticket to Ride: Switzerland, my partner and I found it to be play a good, competitive two-player game. This is where this expansion primarily succeeds – making the smaller and shorter game more competitive and more of a challenge. The other area where it succeeds is in format, offering a new play area without making the purchaser buy a whole new version of Ticket to Ride. In fact, my partner commented on this at the time and suggested that it would be even better if future expansions in this format could have a double sided board and offer two countries to compete over. After all, other train games have done it. There are of course, problems with such a format, in particular the need for two sets of Destination Tickets, but it is an idea…
Packaged in a flat album-sized box, Ticket to Ride: Switzerland set the format for a pair of releases for Ticket to Ride in late 2011 – Map Collection, Vol. 1 – Ticket to Ride Asia and Vol. 2 – Ticket to Ride India. Indeed, the latter includes the Ticket to Ride: Switzerland board, itself long out of print, much in demand, and its second hand price often reflecting that. Fortunately, both volumes of the Map Collection come in deeper boxes and thus avoid the packaging error of Ticket to Ride: Switzerland. That said, whilst the re-release of Ticket to Ride: Switzerland is far from unwelcome, it is annoying that in order to get the India board, it necessary to buy it again.
The tightness of the routes and the new country-to-country and city-to-country Destination Cards make Ticket to Ride: Switzerland a challenging and interesting board. It offers all of the competition previously only found in a four or five player game of Ticket to Ride, but just for two or three players. The board itself is stunning and the routes it gives the players to take make for what is arguably the most efficient Ticket to Ride expansion to date.
Okay, here we are with another TtR expansion. Sometimes games with multiple expansions can feel tired or contrived leaving the gamer with a feeling that I call “gamer fatigue”. I am pleased to say that this is not the case with TtR Switzerland. This edition has been described as Allan Moon’s favourite expansion and, after playing it, I can see why this is an obvious choice!
Players of the TtR series will experience the same mechanics that has made the series so popular. What is new in this box is the addition of route cards that allow you to connect country to country and city to country. These individual cards (country – country)also allow for multiple options that give more flexibility to play. I have never timed one of our games but am always left with a general impression that this is the fastest game between this and their other 2-3 player expansion Nordic.
I will always sing DOW’s praises in this category, they simply create beautiful games with robust components upon which they have built an excellent reputation. This expansion is no exception. While in my opinion this is not the most attractive in the TtR line-up, its also not the worst. The artwork and cards are what you would expect for DOW.
General Impressions
As I’m sure you can figure out based on my information above, I really like this game. The artwork is nice, gameplay is fast, very fast, and the addition of the new variety of route cards is what makes this game outstanding. My wife and I love this game and can rip through a few games in a short amount of time. This is my likely favourite map in the TtR series, you won’t be disappointed.
The route cards are a great variation in this game! It’s also been a fabulous addition to our two player game library.
I miss the stations from Europe, and it’s a challenge only being able to use wild cards on tunnels. But change is inevitable in life, and that’s the way with games too 🙂
I love that I have a variety of ways into each country. I love that I get to choose which country to connect my country to city or country to country route cards to. This is often a very high route card game. You may easily end up with a dozen or more completed routes before you’re done! Have fun connecting!
I’m very happy Ticket to Ride: Switzerland is in my collection. For two players, it’s the way to go for Ticket to Ride. I don’t know that I’ve ever won a game of it, but enjoy the challenge of the tighter map. Fitting visits to different countries is a fun addition, if you’re willing to pry your attention from the middle of the board.
I wonder if the countries are a little too low risk, moderate reward, as you can almost always take them with little worry when you draw them; you only lose the lowest point total printed if you cannot complete the card.
If you’re looking for a two player version of Ticket to Ride, this should be high on your list!
Switzerland has a smaller map, meaning it has fewer routes. So it is best played with two or three people. Locomotives are handled differently than in other games. They can only be used on tunnels. Fortunately there are many tunnels on this board. I must say that this is my favorite of the TTR series, though I have not played Marklin yet. I hear it is great too!
When there aren’t enough players for the full TtR, we pull out their 2-3 player boards. You have to get the India expansion (2-4 players) that has Switzerland included (2-3 players). India incorporates Ferries into the game to move across water. Switzerland introduces Tunnels routes. In addition, you can pick multiple Locomotive cards on a turn, but they can only be used to claim tunnel routes. Special rules mix it up a little too..love the variation.
I’ve played a lot of Ticket to Ride games and I own the standard, Marklin, and this expansion. I’ve also played the Europe map a lot. Of them all this is definitely my favorite map.
Every game it seems like there is a race for the Zurich-Luzern connection. But what I think really makes the game special are the country-to-country and city-to-country destination tickets. You can get some serious points by completing those cards. And they add variety to your strategy.
If you love Ticket to Ride, then you’ll love this expansion map!
This is a great game, great map, but, it is an expansion that works with either Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe. I own Marklin, so, can’t use it. Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries would be the better game if you just need a standalone. Both are well thought out tight maps, both games, a joy to play with 2-3 players.
The swiss map is an excellent addition to the TtR family. It is tense for 2-3 players and better in my opinion than the base game when played for 2-3. However, I think Nordic countries is an overall better game with more variety and depth. It also does not require an additional game to play.
I scored components low because My initial board was warped and tore in the box. DoW also sent out free replacement cards for the cheap cards that had been used initially. Kudos for DoW for replacing it all for me.
i have the Europe version to use with this expansion. This makes TTR a great two player game. After playing this, I’m actually tempted to buy the Nordic expansion–also a 2-3 person game.