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22977 xp
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Rosetta Stone
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Explorer - Level 5
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Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

Mask of Agamemnon
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 3)
1435 xp
1435 xp
Explorer (lvl 5)
3779 xp
3779 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
910 xp
910 xp
Reporter (lvl 3)
938 xp
938 xp
About Me
I have been involved in boardgaming since the early 2000's when my wife and I were introduced to Settlers of Catan and shortly thereafter Ticket to Ride. Year after year our collection grew slowly with proven hits from Days of Wonder and Mayfair Games. Only in this last 2 years have we really pushed into the boardgaming world in a big way. In 2014 our collection of games grew with over 40 games added to the heap.
Categorizing myself into the gaming fields presented is difficult as I'm a combination of a Family Gamer, Casual Gamer, and now recently and Avid Gamer. I generally lean towards games that are 90 minutes or less. While I enjoy some heavier strategic games, it is difficult to convince my family and circle of friends to play these games. As it stands now, games that hit my table the most tend to be lighter family styled games that would include anything from Days of Wonder or Game Wright.
Luckily for me, our gaming sphere is expanding and with it more opportunities for gameplay and increased variety of games. I love this hobby!
When I seek out 2 player games I’m trying to find a game that I can get into with my daughters or my wife. That usually means the gameplay must be fast paced, simple to learn, wraps up in 45 min or less, and have a suitable theme. Ideally, the game that I select should also be portable as it will often times be played in restaurants or cafes. Being a fan of some of the previous 2 Player Kosmos line, Pinata seemed like a solid choice.
The object of this game is to collect various numbered sets of various candy meeples to gain you the corresponding candy medal cards. Netting 3 of the 5 medal cards is the victory condition of the game. The theme of this game (which is stretched paper thin) is a child’s wild attack swings of a pinata at a party and racing in a candy scramble to grab all the candy they can. While the theme is quite weak, its not completely absent as swings at the pinata are represented by numbered cards; high numbers gain success at the pinatas in the high position; low numbers for pinatas in the low position.
The game is very simple to teach. Gameplay is very simple being that all one can do on a turn is play a single card to one of 4 pinata panels. Despite the fact that gameplay is simple doesn’t always mean that there are easy choices. Players must be continuously monitoring all 4 pinatas as well as candy colour distribution for both players. Simple mistakes can be costly. This gameplay plays rapidly and wraps up in around 35-40 min.
The components of Pinata are standard sized cards, candy meeples, a fabric storage bag (for candy meeples), and 4 reversible pinata boards. The artwork contained on the cards and panels is very nice. There is plenty of colour displayed, the information is clearly displayed, and the illustrations are very cute having been appropriately drawn in a cartoonish manner depicting a child striking at a pinata. The candy meeples are a nice touch given that the general standard is painted cubes. Having meeples that are manufactured to look like wrapped candy pieces is a definite bonus. The card stock and cardboard are of quality thickness, while I generally prefer linen finish card stock, these cards are suitable quality. The overall presentation of the game is beautiful and inviting!
Pinata was a hit in our house. I was a little surprised, but not disappointed, that this game could get a little thinky. There is a deceptive amount of strategy that is packaged up in this little 2 person candy scramble. The game is very replayable and has been a hit with anyone that I have taught it to. Pinata is an enjoyable game and I would recommend it to all but the most intense power gamers.