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Critic (lvl 2)
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335 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
1323 xp
1323 xp
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145 xp
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490 xp
490 xp
About Me
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Myth, Game Of Thrones BG 2nd Ed., King of Tokyo, Forbidden Desert and Forbidden Island, Pandemic, Descent 2nd Ed, Civilization BG, Smash Up, Risk, Super Dungeon Explore, Arkham Horror, Munchkin, Ticket to Ride
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (2ed)
Game of Thrones (2nd Ed.) is an excellent game that provides my gaming group hours of fun. The game is great to play with 3 to 6 people, but in many cases works best with four. The Feast for Crows expansion is the perfect example. The expansion is for four players and it changes the base game to a very different type of game. The FFC expansion is based off of the timeline in the Game of Thrones novels. The expansion adds a seventh house the game in House Arryn.
Building upon the same rules used for the game, the FFC expansion adds various objective cards which give the players goals to accomplish to earn victory points. For example, an objective card may give you one to three victory points for taking and holding certain territories.
If you like A Game of Throne but haven’t played the Feast for Crows expansion I highly recommend it as a new,fresh way to play an already great game.