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Arkham Horror
Hmmmmmm… I feel like I may have to tread carefully here. This is a widely acclaimed game and I just gave it a 5 out of 10.
You see I recognize the layers of gameplay, the meaty decisions that have to made and the atmospheric theme that is spilling forth from every pore of this game. Normally I love that, so I can recognize it here and respect it.
For me though, it is severely hamstrung by the unnecessary complications that it is full of also. I do not enjoy games that require me to read and reread the manual, both beforehand and mid game. It is when I find myself checking the rules and the flow of the game is being paused so we can confirm a rule or how something should move, that is when I want to punch the creator.
It is not good game design if you don’t get it after 3 games. Good game design is when I can leave a game for a period of time, say… two months, play a bunch of games in the interim and then come back and remember the rules and continue on with the game that has been in limbo. A mild consulting of the rule book may be necessary, but generally you know how to play it.
Bad game design is when I leave it for the same amount of time and then have to study, not casually reread the rules, but study them for a day before playing again. I feel like I am back in college, creating a thesis on a surprise topic! That is how I feel about this game. Although I put up with moments like this when the game play is worth it, however, the game play is the problem.
It’s biggest offense, is when I take a move we then have to stop the game and check what happens next. It is criminal and you feel like the game has not been play-tested enough. Eldritch Horror is a better game as I feel it does not grind to a halt in the manner that Arkham does when we check, the manual is better and you still get your Cthulu kick. I haven’t played Eldritch in 3 months but still remember the flow of play and what order each turn takes. I know I’ll have to check a couple of rules when we go to play it again, but it is only to confirm a few rules that my brain dumped due to time and the other rules I am storing there in between.
Replay Value: Not great. I really never feel like going back to this one and I am a fan of co ops.
Components: I like loads of stuff and the card stock is nice and thick. Those sliders for your characters attributes are a disaster, particularly if anyone bumps the table.
Easy to learn: No… Just… No. Rulebook is a nightmare.
I want to love this game, it looks so cool and has a great theme. I am not getting rid of it yet and am going to try it a few times more before deciding to sell it on or not. I just have to work myself up to being in the mood to go back through that rulebook.
But that statement says it all really, should a game be such a chore?