Customize Your Profile!
The Market is where you can browse through items you’ve been awarded, purchase new items in the ever expanding market, and customize your avatar, badges and profile theme. We’ve integrated the Market into your profile page to make it easier to manage your items and customize your profile by keeping everything in one place.
Ready to explore? Simply register for the site, or if you’re already registered, click on “my profile” next to your user ID at the top of the page.
Below is a more detailed description of the types of items available. We will be adding more and more items to the market, so look for announcements in our news section.

Your avatar is displayed on your profile page and next to content you add to the site like reviews, tips, news comments, etc.
Avatar Types
Basic avatars are black and white, costing the least amount of BG gold.
Color avatars come with a variety of border colors that you can switch between whenever you want!
Game avatars use characters and art from the actual games they represent! They are a great way to show what games you’re into. You’ll see an ever growing selection as more publishers get involved!

Badges can be earned or purchased. You can then choose which of these badges you’d like to have displayed next to your avatar!
Badge Types

Leveling Badges are awarded each time you level up as a gamer or specific class (Professor, Critic, Reporter, Explorer).

Quest Badges are awarded for completing site tasks. Quests are designed to make everything you do fun and rewarding.

Identity Badges can be purchased and are a special type of badge that allow you to say more about yourself by displaying them next to your avatar!

Game badges are purchased here in the market. Displaying them next to your avatar lets the community know how much of a fan you really are!

Support Badges are a way to financially support To donate to the site, buy gems then buy these badges! Your support will help us continue to add more features and content.

Customize the background of your profile page with a theme that both you and other users visiting your profile will see!
Theme Types
Basic themes are a great starting point, and cost the least amount of BG gold.
Game themes use art from the game they represent. Not only do they spruce up your profile page, but they also let others see how much of a fan you are of a game! As more publishers get involved, you’ll see an ever growing selection!

Earning BG gold can take time. If you’d like to get more right away, Gems are your answer.
Buying Gems
All purchases are made securely through PayPal. We have a variety of bundles based on how many gems you’d like to buy at once. Buy in bulk to save!
Earning Gems
Getting the word out about our site is very valuable to us. Because of this, we’ve created a Recruiter Quest that rewards you with Gems!
Learn more about the recruiter quest >
Converting Gems to BG gold
Who said you can’t change things into gold? When you convert a gem to gold the conversion rate is 1 gem = 1,000 BG gold.
Note: BG gold cannot be converted into Gems.