Zombie Fluxx
Zombie Fluxx takes the award-winning card game Fluxx and cranks up the fun with a Zombie uprising.
The Zombies arrive in the form of a new type of card, called the Creeper, which hangs around in front of you, preventing you from winning.

The good news is, the Keepers include a Shotgun and a Chainsaw and various other things you can use as weapons against the Zombies. Plus you've got Sandwiches and Coffee and a couple of Friends to help you win.
The bad news is, if your Friends become Zombies, you'll have to destroy them.
Welcome to the dark side of Fluxx, the card game of ever-changing rules!
image © Looney Labs
User Reviews (19)
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First off, just gonna come right out and say that this review is not going to really cover the rules. If you’re checking out Zombie Fluxx, 19 times out of 20 you’ve already played regular Fluxx.
My mother isn’t much of a game player. She’ll play party games at family events, and enjoys traditional card games, but she’s not ever the first person to say “I’ll play!” whenever I try and get my family to try something new at our regular get-togethers.
However, one Halloween I was hanging out at her house, helping hand out candy since my apartment complex had had only one kid come by the previous year. I suggested we play this fun, little, random card game in between visits from kids who obviously wanted to see their dentists more often.
She agreed because she’s a good sport, and we ended up playing over ten games in a row.
This is the power of Fluxx in general, but the draw of Zombie Fluxx at the right time of year made it an easy sell. I don’t know that it’ll get her to start buying the occasional deeply steeped in board gaming hobby lore game, but it’s definitely a start.
What makes Zombie Fluxx so solid a game to get people used to the idea of trying the new is that it’s a game that constantly changes. Folks who normally only ever play party games are going to be used to random since it’s almost always a core staple of those kinds of games.
Add on top of that how the game’s theme puts you right up against a silly, yet fitting, take on the zombie genre and it’s easy to see why people want to keep playing.
Zombie Fluxx introduced the Creeper Card to the Fluxx family and now it’s a common element in many other Fluxx variants as well as the latest version of the base game.
Like any other version of Fluxx, getting others to play the game is going to depend largely on their attitude and the atmosphere of where you’re at. If you’re with a bunch of people intent on winning or being able to plan twenty moves ahead – move on. The game is meant to be chaotic and shines best when you’re with a group of people who are more interested in seeing what happens or in seeing how crazy they can make things than they are in winning.
Fluxx is about the journey, not the destination. To be perfectly frank, Fluxx only has winning conditions so that games end. This is an exercise in being silly, and it’s FUN!
Zombie Fluxx adds onto that through a great theme and is my favorite Fluxx variant to play. If you like Fluxx, you’re going to like Zombie Fluxx.
The high points:
As Silly and Random as regular Fluxx
Very Fun Implementation of the Theme
Very Affordable
Scales Very Well with Group Size
Having played the original Fluxx a few years back I decided to give my brother-in-law the pirate themed Fluxx for his birthday. Needless to say the first stop on the way home was my local game store to pick up a Fluxx for myself. I had totally forgotten how much fun it was!
As usual, the rules of Fluxx is ever changing and unpredictable making it fun to play over and over and over and oh, you get it, over!
What separates this version from the others is the following:
There are four different kinds of zombies, a plain zombie, pair of zombies, zombie trio and zombie quartet. Each kind is killed (or at least momentarily) in different ways making it more fun to do so and watch them travel through the game!
The goal cards have two new symbols on them; making it possible to win either by having zombies in front of you on the table, or on the contrary making it impossible to win whilst having the zombies there!
A whole new category of cards introduced is the Ungoal. They are used just like regular goals, however if the requirements on it are met, the players loose and the zombies win!
How many players?
The box says 2-4 players, but with zombies going around on the table it is actually quite boring only being 2 players, so I recommend more! At least 3!
Final note:
If you are hesitating wether to buy this version or the normal version why don’t you buy this one? In the rules there are instructions how to remove all zombies just making it a normal Fluxx (even though the Keepers of course still will be a bit zombie themed). But, why would you ever want to play the original when you can kill zombies?!?!?!?
I got this game thinking it would be a really fun game to teach my non-gamer fiance. I was wrong. She hated it, and I wasn’t a big fan myself. Not for two players, at least.
Adding more players makes the game significantly more playable.
By nature, Fluxx is a difficult game for some people to grasp as the rules change constantly. 4/5 for easy to learn.
Zombie Fluxx, especially, can drag on FOREVER as a result of these rule changes. With only two players, the objectives change so quickly that this silly little card game can last an hour or more. It’s been played 2 times by my fiance and I and I’m looking to sell it now.
That said, with more players, I am sure that it would be a much better experience! 3/5 for replay value.
The great thing about the Fluxx franchise and, this in particular, is the fact that they are all compatible with each other but offer their unique take on a simple concept. What if you took a game and made it impossible to play the same way twice.
Given that simple premise and add everyone’s favorite topic ZOMBIES it is hard to imagine anyone not liking this game whether they are familiar with the original, a variation, or brand new.
Takes less than 10min to explain the rules and my favorite time to play it was between classes in college. I could sit down with a number of friends and breeze through the rules and play several rounds before people had to disperse for class.
Plays well with two people, though less interesting, and being able to add more mid game adds to the whole experience.
As a final note my personal favorite ending for this game is the Zombie Apocalypse where basically everyone loses and the Zombies win.
Zombie flux is a card game that is fun, quick, portable, and easy.
Each player is dealt 5 cards then the game begins with the basic rules (draw a card and play a card)The rest of the game and its rules are shaped by the cards the players are initially dealt and then draw throughout the game. Because the cards categories are: New rules, An Action, a Zombie, a goal of the game or a keeper card. (Keepers being what help acheive the goal)
The winner is the first person to complete the current goal. But beware, all it takes is someone playing a new goal (thus voiding the old goal) to turn your game on its head. The games can last as little as 10 minutes or as long as 30 minutes in rare cases. The game is playable anywhere you have room to sit down (or even stand) around 2 decks of card stacks. Such a fun easy game. There is lots of zombie humor also.
For the most part, this game has a quick play time, but sometimes it drags on and on and on and on and on and on (get the picture yet?) and on and on (just had to add those last two for good measure). Even when the games don’t drag on, every group I have played with insists on playing it multiple times, which essentially gives it the feeling of going on forever. The only time I can say that I would break this out is after an all night gaming session at 3 am when everyone is braindead. Why? Well I’ll tell you (even if you don’t want to hear it): there is little to no strategy in this game. You end up winning by the luck of the draw with the rules changing all the time along with the winning conditions you cannot play out anything. All you can hope is that you draw the right cards at the right time. The only semblance of strategy comes when you have to play a large amount of cards every turn. The strategy comes in deciding the order that you wish to play the cards. Other than that, you just have to let the game mechanics take you for a ride. A ride that I’d rather not be on.
I will go on record as saying that I do not like Fluxx. I think the game is just too random, and I have never played a game where someone did not choose the Troll method (This game will never end! All shall suffer!) because winning was nigh unto impossible. Winning just comes down to luck.
That being said, I enjoy playing Zombie Fluxx a ton! The game adds extra goals that let you win by doing things. Things like killing zombies, which is the hallmark of any good zombie game. By using weapon cards, you may be able to clear out some of the incoming horde, netting you a win. This allows you do much more than just hold on to keepers and dream of a winning goal.
Is it still random? Yes. This is not a game for strategists. But, if Fluxx isn’t quite your thing, you should try this one out for a fun distraction in between marathon sessions of A Game of Thrones.
The variey of Fluxx card games all have one thing in common. Ease of play.
The game begins with each player drawing one card, then playing one card. the cards come in 7 forms, rules, goals, ungoals, actions, Keepers, and Creepers. The game slowly evolves as each player plays new rules which immediately take effect, changing everything from how many cards are drawn and played to hands sizes to how to win.
Offering a wide variety of actions, Fluxx shows the good, the bad and the ugly of card game design.
This is a crazy game. The rules are changing continuously because you make them on the spot by playing cards. This is really fun, but it is to often that the game ends abruptly because clever players can exploit their possibilities or just because a player got a lucky combination of powerful cards. If you like a game that is fun, but that has a huge amount of luck involves that cuts almost any chance of playing strategically, this is the game for you! More fun when played with more players!
I think the general consensus on Fluxx on this site is that it’s fun at first, but after time it loses it’s luster. But at under $20, you can definitely combat that by picking up one of the many variations on the base game such as this one, Zombie Fluxx.
Call me morbid, but Zombie is my favorite of the Fluxx brand. The weapons and zombie cards etc. are just a fun way to celebrate the genre and have fun with a couple friends. I like zombies so it’s good for me. My sister has the Python version. They’re all basically the same, but twisting it into a recognized genre adds some replay value.
Someone pointed out that 2 player games can be tedious, which I agree with. 3 or more is best and once you’re familiar with the gameplay, playing it fast like a game of Skip Bo or something makes it just a fun, silly way to spend some time.
Fluxx is never about hardcore gaming or tactics and Zombie is no different. But like I said, at $20 or so (depending where you buy it) it’s good to have one up on the shelf to grab for a vacation or quick trip somewhere.
Zombie flux is a cool little game, it makes for a nice intermediary game between a big box games or as a ‘cool down’ game after a night of long gaming. It doesn’t take long to learn (since the rules are on the cards and change everytime you play) and because it doesn’t have an involved story line, or hugely complex mythology it takes very little focus and concentration to play.
The one bad thing about it is trying to work out how long it’s going to take to play, some games last 15 minutes with the whole thing over and done with faster than you can say Zombie flux, I’ve also seen games last for 2 hours or more so it all depends really on the luck of the cards.
It is honestly great fun, but not as slick in terms of the mechanics as the likes of star flux but still well worth a play.
See my review of Fluxx for my thoughts on the basic gameplay. Zombie Fluxx has worked out better for us, thanks to the theme and some slight additions to gameplay (Zombie Creepers, weapons). My daughter, though, loves this game simply because it can allow her to build a zombie baseball team…lol. Otherwise, like Fluxx, your experience can vary game to game, some are quick and fun and others greatly overstay their welcome and send everyone packing/onto the next game.
Nothing is more simple than draw one play one card games; the twist comes when you are changing the rules every round. What makes this game wonderful is that there is no real handicap for new players. So long as a player can understand how the rules can change (which is easy to explain) then the game can quickly evolve new players into immediately after the first round. Not the best with just two players but a ton of fun with more three or more.
I am torn on what to give this game as a rating. If you are familiar with fluxx games than the rest of this will make sense, if you are not then know that creepers are bad and you can’t win (in most cases) if you have a creeper in front of you. Zombie fluxx is a good game to use as a filler or a game you want to wind down with after a heavy ‘game’ if you are not using the zombies. If you use the zombies it takes a very long time, in fact I have never completed a game with the zombies in the game, to finish the game. In other versions of fluxx the creepers can be destroyed thus making it possible to win the game but in zombie fluxx the zombies get passed left, right or other ways and cause you are playing with so many zombies that the zombies will continuously get passed creating a (almost) never ending parade of zombies flying all over the table. It can get quite confusing and boring after several hands of it. My suggestion is to play a different version of fluxx or to play this version without the creepers.
We’ve had a lot of fun with this game and replayed it a few times. It’s the kind of game that’s great to whip out at a party. Quick to learn, anyone can win, and pretty crazy.
There are a ton of zombies in the game and no surprises, which is a little different from other Fluxx games I’ve played (Monty Python, Pirate, Star). But the zombies can, without much trouble be deterred or even become you minions (hello Zombie boss).
Looking forward to pulling this game out at the next family get together.
Similar to other Fluxx games where you start off with the rules of drawing and playing 1 card. Some of the goals of winning will have you in hysterics. We had one that needed a baseball bat and plenty of zombies to bat. My opponent played a card where the game ended and nobody won. I was confused at first until a read the card. Really? We laughed at that one and agreed that we couldn’t even call it a draw.
The creeper cards are full of Zombies and a few are quite interesting to play, such as moving a zombie to another player if another zombie is slaughtered.
I am not much of a fan of zombies, but the game mechanics and silliness of the cards had me laughing and waiting for my turn to see what I would draw next.
The Fluxx series of games are great family card games. These games play fast and are always unpredictable. Although this isn’t my families favorite version of Fluxx it is still very good. Great to play a couple games as a lite filler between heavy strategy games. Not a lot of strategy to this mostly just luck of the draw.
Although some would list this as a “horror” version it is still appropriate for all ages. Cards are not graphic or disturbing.
This is an awsome game! Love to play it plus its quick and easy to learn. Great for a group or just two. It’s a great filler game if you havve some down time. It plays just like regular fluxx but with a zombie theam. so for all you fluxx playing zombie lovers this is the game for you.it is a brinless game so you can play for hours with out thinking. grunting and growning is ok. how ever if zombies ae not your thing feel free to pick up one of the othe wonderful fluxx games.
although I suggest that you pick up theem all.
Played Fluxx a few times so I knew what I was getting into. Each time we played this the game lasted forever, and everyone got tired of it before we finished. Winning was just down to someone pulling out a random combo. Everyone that played it has vowed never to touch it again. Horrible