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Black Fleet
Played this the other day and I really enjoyed this. It’s not a very heavy game but it is by no means a game that shouldn’t find time on your gaming table. There is enough strategy to keep hardcore gamers in your group happy. The idea is that you have a merchant ship and a pirate ship each in your own colour. There will also be 2 navy ships (yellow and purple). On your turn you will move your 2 ships and (most of the time) 1 of the navy ships. The movement will be decided by the cards you have in your hand. They will tell you how much to move each ship and you can move them in any order. Your merchant ships are sailing from port to port delivering goods and getting money (WOW is it nice money. Solid metal coins!), your pirate ship is trying to loot from the other merchant’s ships which they then bury for money and the navy ships are sailing around trying to sink pirate ships and to a lesser extent blocking merchants as you can’t sail through the navy unless you’ve played that navy card this turn (if you play a card that tells you to move the purple navy ship then for that turn your merchant can move through the purple navy ship) which gets you money for sinking a pirate. With all this money you may once per turn flip over an upgrade. The first person to flip all their upgrades wins. Now for my one knock against the game and that is we played a three player game and maybe my opinion would change with a 4 player game but this game needs to be 5 maybe 6 player game cause we ran into each other but in needs a little more interaction so that strategies can be more present. There is also cards that you may only ever have 3 in your hand of that bend the rules for that turn only and the upgrade cards there are many so the players will not get the same cards so the replay value on this game is high.