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Games are about 15-20 minutes, 1-4 players.
This is the digital adaptation of the popular game The Settlers of Catan. Its not necessary for you to have played the original board game before. The Digital version offers a very good tutorial.
The game is set up with a game board of 19 hexagonal terrain tiles. The terrain tiles is the key of the game, they contain different types of products that will be produced during the game, depending on the result of the dice roll. Hills produce brick, forests produce lumber, mountains produce ore, fields produce grain, and pastures produce wool.
In the beginning of the game all players each place two small houses (settlements) and two roads on the board game. The settlements will be placed on spaces where three terrain hexes meet. The roads will be placed next to the houses.
On every tile there is a number from 2-12, they represent which product that will be produced when the dices is rolled. For example:
The dice roll is an “8”. Each player who owns a settlement adjacent to a terrain hex marked with the number “8” now receives a resource produced by this hex.
The products are then used to build roads, houses and cities but can also be use to buy development card. Development card can be used during the game and grant you different perks. For example:
To build a road you will need to “cash in” 1 brick and 1 lumber. That means that you will need to have a settlement or a city adjacent to a hex that produce these products. But you can also trade in other resources for your benefit, either with the bank or a harbor but also with the others players.
Objective and goal
The objective is to win 10 victory points before anybody else does. You can do this by building settlements and city’s, they give you each 1 VP for settlements and 2 VP for city’s, you´ll receive 2 VP if you have the longest road, build a minimum of 5 roads that are connected. If you have the largest army which can be collected by buying development cards you will receive additional 2 VP.
When you have collected 10 VP you win the game.
The digital version is amazing, you can play offline against bots or online against real players. If you buy the expansions you can also play a campaign and also different scenarios.
Obviously its much more fun playing the original with friends but this is a good substitute, especially when you play against other players from around the world.
If your not able to play the original as much as you would like too, this is a definite buy! (It´s about 4$ at the App Store)