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Tips & Strategies (28)
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Try to ‘Acquire Assets’ as often as possible. There is much to do in this game, but an absolute must is buffing up your investigator so he/she may be able to take on monsters (including rumor monsters) and face gate challenges. Acquiring Assets while in a city space is the quickest way to buff up your investigator. Don’t be afraid to go into debt to get that extra special item too. Usually the item will help you the rest of the game while the Debt Condition is relatively easy to get rid of. Who knows, one or two of the items you pick up may also be helpful if the GOO wakes up!
Being able to reliably generate clues without relying on research encounters can greatly increase chances of success. Recruit characters whose abilities generate or emulate clues such as Astronomer, Spy or Psychic. Nothing worse than lacking clues to solve a crucial mystery or avoid an unpleasant mythos.
Going into debt can produce some unsavory results, but most of the time you can ward these off with a successful skill test. What it provides in exchange – the extra 2 successes for purchasing of assets – is invaluable as it can get you extremely beneficial tools that you sorely need.
You need these to balance the chances in your favour, so taking on a bit of a risk to ultimately strengthen your character is a worthy proposition.
Approaching apocalypse is no time for financial prudency – use Debt as much as you can (otherwise that action you just took to acquire assets was a waste too).
Never forget this is a game that needs a great deal of cooperation between players to achieve victory.
So, talk with the other players at the begining of each turn and define a whole strategy for every body actions, focusing in what has to be done to defeat current goal, and in second place what could be more useful for subsequent turns.
Be sure that the whole group is aware of each of the investigatos advantages/disadvantages: maybe another player is seeing a better option for your investigator.
I have seen many games lost, but also i have seen lots of unuseful to the group player turns due to shelfish behaviour like:
-‘I really need to buy that gorgeous asset’ – It is really needed and is must be NOW or there is something more urgent? Maybe it will be more useful for another investigator?
-‘I want to go for the expedition, i would have the chance to get a powerful relic’ – Again, sure it is nothing more important. I mean, OK you have nothing better to do this turn and you are beside the expedition location could be good, but if not REALLY you will be travelling from the other side of the world during 3 turn to get to the expedition??
-‘I would rather go to elsewhere to make some kind of very cool action completely not related to our goal’ – Really, i have seen it…
Do not blame the game to be hard to win if you are not really looking for wining: this game is a experience, but it is not so much a sandbox like others could be.
Eldritch Horror has plenty of situations that will test each one of your investigator’s skills over time. While completing a task only requires one success, odds are that at some point, an investigator will have to use a comparatively weak skill to complete a task. This is more common with any task (like closing gates) that requires two skill tests to complete. Improving a weak skill at the start will improve chances of completing complicated tasks, which can be really important late-game.
A lot of people might be turned off by the cardboard cutout character stands, I for one don’t mind them but I do prefer miniatures. If you are like me, than an option is available. FFG has in the past made miniatures for all the Arkham Horror investigators, base game and all those included in the expansions and luckily enough, Eldritch Horror uses investigators from Arkham Horrors wealth of characters.
Arkham Horror Investigator Miniatures
In Eldritch Horror, the odds are against you — literally. The clues, monsters, and gates that spawn are the same amount for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 investigators, so you may as well have the extra investigator along to help (especially in a solo game). It means someone has to do double duty, but given that travel across the board is very slow and you have a lot of ground to cover, the more the merrier. This is especially true if you are playing the Mountains of Madness expansion with the Antarctica board in play, since you may occasionally have to send one or more people off to that board.
The other advantage of having even numbers of investigators is that many of the investigator abilities and cards affect investigators on the same space. There are definitely advantages to a buddy system in which investigators travel in pairs at least some of the time. Also, while larger groups of investigators may face tougher odds and more difficult challenges (there are a lot things that are based on “# of investigators + X), a large group has more chances to help each other out. Smaller groups will see the investigators crossing paths less frequently.
There are, of course, disadvantages to larger groups. The most obvious ones are that monsters with variable toughness will be stronger and cards that require a number of tokens to resolve (such as most mysteries) will need more tokens for larger groups. The potentially biggest downside to a large team is that effects that hit everyone might knock out several investigators in a single event/round, and each one slides the doom track over one. Ultimately, it’s all about balance–personally I favor medium sized teams of around four investigators, when possible, though I’m certainly not opposed to one giant eight player Mythos Mayhem game on occasion.
As long as there’s enough snacks and drinks to go around the asylum after everyone goes bonkers.
One of the most useful items in the game is the Lucky Cigarette Case. It is a reusable item that allows you to add one to the result of a die roll during a skill test once per turn. For the purposes of most skill tests, this is as good as having the Blessed condition. In some ways, it is better, as you normally can’t lose the cigarette case to a Reckoning effect. What really makes this item valuable is the fact that it works in conjunction with the Blessing condition. When used together, an investigator can turn a 3 into a 4, which then counts as a success under the Blessing effect. That’s better than 50 percent odds to succeed at a normal test, which can really turn the game around.
In one or two-player games of Eldritch Horror, Trish Scarborough excels as an investigator. There are a fair number of Mystery and Rumor cards that require clue tokens to be spent in order to achieve an effect to solve or resolve. A typical target number is equal to half the number of investigators in play. Trish can gain a clue token as an action if she doesn’t have any, which means that she can handle most Mystery or Rumor cards better than any other investigator. This ability becomes less useful in games that have a lot of investigators, but is still a time-saver when it can be used. In smaller games, allow Trish to tackle the Mystery and Rumor cards as a main focus (if possible), while other investigators handle gates and monsters.
Every time we get together to face off against the Great Old Ones we know that some characters won’t survive till the end game state. So with the in mind all players choose their second investigator and also remove their starting assets from the decks, so it ensures when their new character enters later in the game with a decent chance, as usually things are much tougher towards the end. We find this house rule also speeds up the transition period for new characters.
Once you are comfortable with the rules even in solo play – use two investigators. The # of gates, monsters and clues spawned as well as “half of number of investigators” is the same for one or two characters.
Playing with only one characters makes it nearly impossible to win once you failed a roll or two. There is just too much stuff happening for you to control with just one character.
I am all up for challenging games, but I find I have more fun with 2 players – with 1 I feel like I never even had a chance at a win.
In a game that you lose more times than you win, it is tough to have a “winning strategy,” but what I have noticed is that the players need to give themselves the time to complete the three mysteries. So, what I like to do in a 2 player game is have one of the players be responsible for defeating the mysteries and the other be the one that is closing the gates so the Evil one does not awaken. Pay attention to the Omen signs and try to clear the gates with the next symbol. This will give you more time for the other player to complete the mystery objectives. Of course, in this game, the strategy does not always win, but so far it has given me the best chance. Good Luck!
If you begin collecting a number of the expansions, as I’ve done, you’ll find that you have also collected pages and pages of extra rule sets. These extra rules do add fun twists to the game and aren’t terrifically complicated, but whenever I open the box to play with family and friends, it can be a bit daunting to see the pile of pamphlets–you might lose sanity points before you even begin playing! Even worse, during a game, you are delayed when attempting to find which pamphlet contains the specific rule that you’re looking for.
Take heart! An intrepid Lovecraftian gamer has helped to restore our sanity by merging all of the rule sets for all of the expansions into a single document, and has even provided an index to the most-used rules. Simply perform a Google search on “Eldritch Horror combined rules”
The rules for Eldritch Horror say to draw the bottom card from the double-sided decks (Unique Assets, Spells, and Conditions) when drawing a random card. This works relatively well, but if you find it’s too cumbersome going through the deck this way, an alternative way to draw from these decks is to use a “burn the top card” rule. Since players can see the top card in the deck, when told to draw a random card, just burn the top card to the bottom and go down through the deck to find a card of the appropriate type, rather than dealing from the bottom.
Do you really want to play with one investigator without feeling like the game completely crushes you?
Consider skipping every second Mythos phase, only drawing half the number of cards. The game will still be very tough but more playable.
I find it troublesome when you buff your investigators and a bad roll or draw kills of 1 or more of them and you have to start with a greenhorn right in the middle of the game. It’s true that the new guy/gal can loot the “corpse” of his/her predecessor (WHEN they are able to reach them before they die) but the skills are still low and maybe the inventory is not that great. So I play with following rule:
1. Start your solo game with 4 (or more if you want) Investigators with the corresponding difficulty.
2. Handle defeated Investigators as normal.
3. Now the important part: If the number of Investigators goes down to the next difficulty level change it to that one (Steps are 8-6-4-2).
So, for example I start with 4 Investigators with difficulty for 3-4 Players. Then one of my investigators dies so I have 3 investigators but the same difficulty. A few rounds later the next one dies. Now I have 2 Investigators so I change the difficulty to the 2 Player rules.
I’ve played a couple of games this way and I think it still keeps the balance of the difficulty level without changing your game to a cakewalk.
The game rules as written prohibit using attribute bonuses from different sources. Normally only the highest is used. This makes little sense to me as if my character has a gun and a thug helping him – both would be useful.
To address this I allow attribute modifiers to stack. It is not a change that comes into effect frequently and ultimately only makes the game a tiny bit easier. With the regular difficulty being pretty brutal it is not a change that will detract from your enjoyment of the game.
Instead it will remove a counter-intuitive rule and make things more exciting.
There is a tendency to fight monsters and want to close portals. These are important task and may be more import depending on the ancient, but REMEMBER. Your goal is to solve mysterious, if you spend all your time trying to clear monsters you will not win.
One strategy you could try out is to have two investigators team up a long the way. Use one investigator as “support/get item” and the other as as “spell-caster/fighter”.
A combination of Jim and Mark could work well for instance, Jim can “cure” sanity” while Mark can focus on defeating monsters.
Another match is to have a strong, well fitted investigator with the spy. The spy would generate clues and trade them, while the other would fight monsters. This way you can solve “mission” more efficiently.
Teaching about 5 of my friends to play the game at once, besides teaching rules i and my missus played as the librarian and the politician and basically played support by passing items and clues and stuff around while the others adventured over the world learning the game.