Mythic Dungeon Crawler – A Solo Card Game
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Mythic Dungeon Crawler is a solo game that uses either a standard deck of playing cards, or the custom fantasy-themed Mythic Kingdoms cards by BoardGaming.com. It was developed for our 2022 Kickstarter as a bonus game that you can play with these cards.

Clubs and Spades are monsters, Diamonds are weapons or shields or allies, and Hearts are health potions or Elven healers. The deck represents the dungeon and each room has 4 cards. You play 3 of the cards and the 4th remains and becomes one of the cards in the next room (You deal 3 more cards to lay out the next room). Your objective is to clear the dungeon (get through the entire deck) and get as much loot as possible without ever letting your health go to zero.
For a detailed description and game rules, Visit the Kickstarter!
Video Demo
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