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Gamer - Level 4
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Critic (lvl 1)
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Explorer (lvl 2)
396 xp
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91 xp
About Me
I am married with no kids and currently in college.
I sometimes love longer more strategic games but also love shorter games where I can trick non-gamers into playing them and introduce them into the hobby.
I will play but don't love more luck based games as I am innately competitive and don't feel in control.
I also enjoy party games... when with large groups and parties.
Co-op games are becoming some of my favorite
Any game I can get my wife to play is a huge plus.
The only limit on how many games I play and own are money, time, and people to play with.
My family has owned this Bean Farming game for some time and it seems to be brought out a decent amount. To be frank I liked but didn’t love this game when i first played it. However, the more I play now the more i notice how great it is. It has subtle yet not overbearing strategies. It is easy to learn and great for new gamers or just those who aren’t in the mood for something more serious. I am glad I own this game and am almost always happy to play it.
The Good:
1. Relatively quick
2. Easy to learn, Good introduction game
3. Fairly interactive, even when it is not your turn
4. Has enough strategy for us heavy thinkers
5. Could be played with kids and teenagers
6. Has a unique theme
7. Trades terms can be flexible.
8. Re-playable
9. Is a perfect starter game.
10. Can be played with 7 people.
The Bad:
1. Could drag on with the wrong croud.
2. Fun can be dependent on who you play with.
3. Best with 3-6 people
I think this is a great game for any group.
Bean on!