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I like games heavy on theme, games in which I can lose myself for a while and have fun with friends and family. I like a mix of luck and strategy with a bit more emphasis on the latter.
The Undercity
Since Artem and I played this together, we thought it would be interesting to write back-to-back reviews of our experiences with Undercity.
I could save everyone the pain of reading through a long post simply by agreeing with everything Artem says. And I do pretty much agree with him.
But let’s not stop there. I do have few supplemental points to make.
First, Undercity is good but it’s not great. In addition to all of the minuses enumerated by Artem, I didn’t really feel the theme as much as I wanted to. The bad guys felt like a nuisance rather than a creepy threat (didn’t help that Artem and I misread the rules and played on nightmare mode for most scenarios – that is, the bosses activated far more often than they were supposed to) and there were times when spawning felt unfair (because we had just completed a task) or meaningless (because spawning more foul beasts didn’t fit the story).
Second, the story was convoluted at times and I forgot the whole point of the scenario. “Beat bad guys” seems tedious for a story-based game.
Third, if the occasional humdrum elements of the story weren’t enough, I concur with Artem that we could never spice things up with a side quest because the chaos of the main quest kept us far too busy.
I realize at this point it sounds like I didn’t enjoy Undercity. Despite what I’ve written, I actually did look forward to getting this to the table, but it all had to do with whom I was playing. If your team-mates don’t take this game too seriously, if you strategize well together, if no one feels the need to be the game alpha this can make for an entertaining evening.
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