Star Wars: The Card Game

The characters, starships, and situations of the original Star Wars trilogy come to life in Star Wars: The Card Game, a head-to-head Living Card Game® of tactical combat and strategic planning that allows two players to wage cinematic combats between the light and dark sides of the Force.
Command such legendary characters as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Boba Fett, and Darth Vader. Launch strategic assaults against your opponent’s objectives. Tempt fate in thrilling edge battles. Seek to make an ally of the Force or master its power for your own purposes.

images © Fantasy Flight Games
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Star Wars: the Card Game is the most recent addition to Fantasy Flight’s Living Card Game series (at least as of the time of this review). The game casts one player as one of three Light Side factions (Rebellion, Jedi, or Smugglers and Spies) and the other as one of three Dark Side factions (Imperial Navy, Sith, or Scum and Villainy). Both sides use vehicles, heroes, and creatures to defend their own objectives and attack the opposing side’s objectives. The Light Side attempts to destroy three Dark Side objectives before the “Death Star dial” reaches 12, while the Dark Side attempts to stall the Light Side (and maybe even advance the Death Star dial more quickly, if they can).
Initial setup might take a little while. As with most any Fantasy Flight product, there are quite a few tokens and markers to punch out. Once that’s done, the rulebook is about on par with the rulebooks from the other LCGs, if you’ve played any of those. If not, it covers the rules pretty well, but some times it spends a bit too much time on aspects that probably don’t need that much attention and gets a little boring. As a whole, though, it’s pretty clear. Once you have a grasp of what the rules are, it’s simply a matter of assembling the pre-made faction decks, which is pretty simple because of the “objective set” nature of decks (more on that in a minute). If all you have is the core set, you’ll only have two factions per side, as the Smugglers and Spies and Scum and Villainy factions only have a single objective set each, with the rest of those factions’ starter decks available in the Edge of Darkness deluxe expansion.
If you continue to just use the core set, you can just keep those decks together, as they don’t share any cards outside of one objective set, but two copies of that one are included in the core set. If, however, you buy more than just the core set, you can build your own decks, which is part of the appeal for most players. Deckbuilding in this game is quite different than any other LCG or CCG I’ve ever played. Rather than choosing a minimum of 60 cards for your deck, you choose a minimum of 10 objective sets. Each objective set has an objective–cards used to generate resources and, generally speaking, gain some effect–and five other cards that can be units, events, enhancements, etc. If you choose an objective set, you must take all six of the cards. If you use the minimum of 10 objective sets, this will give you a 10 card objective deck and a 50 card command deck. A maximum of two copies of each objective set can be included in the deck, though some specify that only one can be included. This is a novel method of deckbuilding that makes it easier for deckbuilding neophytes to assemble decks easily and quickly, while also providing a new spin on deckbuilding for CCG and LCG veterans, as players must evaluate sets of cards, rather than individual cards. The sets that have powerful cards generally balance them out with numerous weaker cards, forcing you to determine if it’s worth all the extra chaff just to get that one piece of wheat. While I was initially concerned that I would hate this style of deckbuilding, I actually find that I quite enjoy it as a change of pace from more traditional deckbuilding. It also gives some flexibility to the game, as you can pull it out and be playing in minutes or spend hours perfecting the perfect deck.
It’s worth noting that, although you can have up to two copies of most objective sets, both the Core Set and Edge of Darkness deluxe expansion only include one of each objective set (with one exception in the Core Set), meaning you need two copies of each in order to make the best decks you can. You can certainly get by with one of each, but I found the decks became much more fun with the addition of a second copy due to the fact that I could have more consistent draws. The individual “force packs” and the upcoming Balance of the Force expansion only require one copy, as they either include two copies or feature “limited” objective sets (i.e. you can only have one copy in a deck anyway).
As with many card games, the gameplay can get kind of complex, so I won’t go into huge amounts of detail here (the video tutorial on Fantasy Flight’s website does a pretty good job of giving you the basics if you’re interested), but I will give a general overview. Each player uses his/her objectives to generate resources (some units/enhancements can also generate resources) which they use to play the cards in their command deck. They use units (think “creatures” if you’re an M:tG player) to attack their opponent’s objectives and defend their own, and use enhancements (enchantments in M:tG) to improve their units, objectives, or play area, or to impede their opponent’s units, objectives, or play area. Event cards are similar to instants and sorceries in Magic and grant some (generally temporary) effect upon being resolved.
There are a few things that set this game apart from other card games, at least in my experience, so I’ll focus on those. The Death Star dial goes up by one each Dark Side turn, and when it reaches 12, the Light Side loses. There are some cards that allow the Light Side to reduce the number on the dial, and the Dark Side has ways to advance it additional times (such as destroying Light Side objectives or having the balance of the force in favor of the Dark Side). This serves as a timer on the game and forces people to make plays, which is good, but it also encourages the Light Side to rely on aggro decks and the Dark Side is rewarded for playing control-style decks since they will win by default if they can hold out long enough. If you’re playing with a group of people who are willing to experiment in the name of fun, this is less of an issue, but for power gamers or anyone else who really wants to win, it kind of limits your deckbuilding styles in order to stay competitive.
Combat also functions somewhat differently than other games. Each turn, the active player may choose to attack an enemy objective. They then declare any units as attackers that they wish to use in the fight. The defender then declares defending units. Once that’s done, an “edge battle” takes place. In an edge battle, players alternate laying cards face down from their hand until both players pass without laying one down. Once that’s done, the cards are flipped face up, and the number of force icons (little white circles printed on each card) are counted. Whichever player has the most force icons wins the edge battle and gets to resolve the first attack. Edge battles are also important for two other reasons. The first is that “fate” cards can only be played during edge battles. These cards have different effects–some deal additional damage, some restart the edge battle, etc.–but they can often make a significant impact on the game. The second reason is that many units have damage icons that are “edge dependent” and only activate if the controlling player won the edge battle. Some units even have only edge dependent icons, making them something of a gamble to declare in combat, though the payoff is often significant if you win.
Once the edge battle is decided, the winning player chooses one of their units, “focuses” that unit (kind of like tapping in Magic, though in this game focus tokens are used, which can be built up to keep units unusable for multiple turns) and resolves that unit’s damage icons. Damage comes in three types: unit damage, blast damage, and tactics damage. Logically, unit damage is used to place damage tokens on a unit. All unit damage from a card must be assigned to a single opposing unit, even if it surpasses that unit’s number of hit points. When the damage on a unit exceeds the hit points, that unit is discarded from play. Blast damage is used to damage the engaged objective. Much like units, objectives have a printed amount of damage they can take before being destroyed. Finally, tactics damage places a focus token on an enemy unit. Unlike unit damage, tactics damage can be split amongst any number of enemy units and can even target units outside of the engagement. Once the first unit’s damage icons are resolved, the opposing player chooses one unit and follows the same steps. This process continues to alternate until all units have been focused. After the engagement is over, the active player can declare an engagement against a different objective, assuming they have units available that aren’t exhausted (i.e. they don’t have a focus token) and there are objectives that haven’t been attacked yet that turn.
The final unique element I’m going to mention is the “force struggle.” Each player has three cards that they can play under a unit at the end of their turn that commits that unit to the force for as long as it’s in play (if it leaves play, the player places the force commitment card back in their stack of available commitment cards.. Any force icons on that unit contribute to that player’s force total, as long as the committed unit doesn’t have any focus tokens. The balance of the force shifts in favor of whichever side has the most force icons on committed units. If the balance is with the Dark Side at the beginning of a Dark Side player’s turn, they get to advance the Death Star dial an additional number that turn. If the balance is with the Light Side, the Light Side player gets to deal one damage to the Dark Side objective of their choosing. If the balance is with the opposing side at the beginning of their turn, nothing happens. This may seem like it would be a no-brainer to just start committing units, but if committed units take an action that would exhaust them (including focusing to strike in combat), they gain two focus tokens instead of one. That means, unless the unit can clear two tokens per refresh phase, a committed unit will be unusable for two turns and their force icons won’t count toward the force struggle for those turns either. This adds another strategic level in determining who to commit and if/when to use them.
Learning Curve
If you have played other competitive card games, this should be pretty simple to pick up. Even the unique elements I mentioned above should be pretty easy to understand. If you’re new to competitive card games, the rulebook does a pretty good job of walking you through the basics, though there are a few things that need a bit of clarification from the internet. For most players, it should only take a couple of games to get a handle on what’s going on, though it might take a few more for new card gamers to get a feel for when action windows open and how priority works. Overall, though, it uses pretty familiar rules, even if it does have some unique elements.
The cards are of pretty good stock and are nicely glossy. The art looks good too, though players of the X-Wing Miniatures Game will notice a bit of recycled art. That’s not a terrible criticism, especially given that the art is generally of really good quality. The tokens, dial, etc., are of standard Fantasy Flight cardboard quality. All around, it’s a pretty good package.
Overall Judgment/TL;DR Takeaway
The game is certainly fun, and most Star Wars fans will love it. Some people will have an issue with getting past some thematic quibbles with the combat (How did that Rancor blow up this X-wing?), and the unique approach to deckbuilding might put off some hardcore traditionalists, but it’s a unique take on the competitive card game and offers a lot of variety due to the constant expansion of the Living Card Game format. Some of the expansions are a little weak, while others were pretty good, but the main meat of the game is in the Core Set and Edge of Darkness expansion, so those would be the main places to start. It’s also worth noting that you might need to invest in multiple copies to get the most out of it, though it is certainly playable and enjoyable with just one. If you love card games or Star Wars, it’s worth giving this game a look. While there are other card games that may be better, this is certainly a fun, unique game in an often oversaturated genre.
I must admit that I came to this game as a Star Wars fan, not a card game fan. Star Wars card games left me cold in the past due to the focus on collecting, and inevitably I would lose to my friends as they spent more money on their cards than I did. Happily, the FF Living Card Game model solves this problem. When my son and I play, our challenge in selecting a deck does not include how much money we’ve spent. Though we’re new to deck building games of this type, we’ve enjoyed it enough that we will look at other card games whether they are Star Wars or not!
The goals for each side (the light side vs the dark) are different but balanced, and essentially involve the capture or destruction of the opposing player’s objectives. Play is divided into distinct steps for each turn, allowing players to refresh their cards, set up their attacks, and conclude their turns. During setup and attack phases, players may spend resources to launch attacks and activate special abilities. Where we found the game really shines, however, is its individual use of characters and elements from the Star Wars universe. Jedi and Sith characters use lightsaber combat forms and Force abilities. Rebels and Imperials launch massive attacks with starfighters and capital ships. Smugglers steal resources, while bounty hunters capture cards for various effects. Enjoying these elements of our favourite fictional universe made it easy to learn to play the game.
My issues with the game are few, but they are there. While learning to play was easy, we’ve found that some expansions refer to rules in such a way that we realize we were playing incorrectly from the beginning. Some clarification would be welcome for some of these more obscure rules. Also, and this is more from the fan point of view rather than the game player, I love the focus on the classic movie characters, but there needs to be more on the Prequel trilogy, rather than exploring the expanded universe, which appears to be the direction they are heading. This won’t make a difference to the average game player, however.
I can’t recommend this game enough to Star Wars fans and gamers alike. If, like me, you’re new to deck building games, this is a perfect introduction, kept alive by monthly expansions that take the game elements in new and exciting directions. Looking forward to more!
… maybe not Yoda, but we gamers do and this game is right up our excitement craving alleys!!!
Having place the Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game since it’s inception in 1995, I’ve found few card games that have equaled the excellence of that game’s mechanics and the level of strategy involved when played at the highest level. The game was a masterpiece and as a byproduct, infused the known Star Wars universe with many of the names and backgrounds we’ve come to love. It was really something else, but enough about that elegant game from a more civilized age…
This is a review of the heir apparent in the Star Wars card game world. After SWCCG wrapped, the next major game on the market was the Wizards game and it left much to be desired. Years would pass until this little gem hit the scene and even then, it was scrapped and brought back to the drawing board at least once. Originally setup as a co-op much like the wildly popular Lord of the Rings LCG from Fantasy Flight Games, that format just didn’t work well because gamers wanted to BE Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Darth Maul! The redesigned game is what you see before you today as a head to head 2 player game and it is an excellent game!
The nuances don’t reveal themselves during your initial couple of play-throughs. However, as soon as you’ve got the mechanics down and you have a solid feel for what the cards do and the synergies between them, you soon realize the importance of balancing attack and defense, the gamble of locking up resources for big plays at the expense of lock down in subsequent turns and just how important controlling the force really is.
The game sets up with two players each controlling a faction and selecting 3 “objectives” from their objective pile at random. Objectives give you the resources to play cards. There are several factions like Empire, Rebel, Smugglers, Scum and Villainy, Sith, Jedi, etc. When you’re using a dark side faction, your goal is to bring the Death Star within range and destroy your opponent which is represented by a Death Star counter. When playing a light side faction, you’re goal is to beat 3 of your opponents objectives. When the battles takes place and you need to use the cards from your hand to commit to “the force”, which give your characters and starships deployed on the table the ability to strike first. It weighs heavily on if you win now at the expense of being able to defend and regroup later as opposed to just rolling die and going through the motions, makes for solid strategy decision making which is what makes a game take the next step into a larger world! 😉 The race is on, the action is intense and you’ll be shouting “It’s A TRAP!” before long!!
Most people who’ve read my reviews know, one of the more important aspects about a game for me, is how it looks. When playing a tabletop game, there’s a level of artistry and creativity that is expected on some level and this game delivers in spades. Using everything from masterpieces by the late Ralph McQuarrie to new commissioned artwork from contemporary artists, the artwork is gorgeous. The card layouts are clean and easy to read as well. There’s little I can find to complain about in the way of components.
The value factor the game has being in the Living Card Game format makes it very easy to stay competitive and not break the bank, another great innovation that aides in this games greatness. Deck creation is also very straight forward since you create your deck using a collection of pods with set cards in those pods. Some will frown upon this method of deck building and the lack of ability to stack rares but since there is no rares in the LCG format, this method of deck building makes for a more balanced experience and forces you to find deck synergy in a more macro level.
I cannot speak highly enough of this game and I always look forward to the new chapters and expansions. Wars may not make one great, but great FFG made this Wars! Don’t delay in trying this one out the next time you’re at your LGS.
Fantasy Flight has added yet another game to their “Living Card” roster, this time in the form of “Star Wars: The Card Game”. Having already invested a fair amount into the Lord of the Rings LCG and The Game of Thrones LCG, I wasn’t sure if my brain (or my wallet) could even handle signing on to yet ANOTHER Living Card game. But, ultimately, my inner Star Wars geek won out in the end and I picked up a copy. (I’m happy to report I haven’t regretted that decision!)
Star Wars pits 2 players (One side playing as the light side, and one side playing the dark side) in an epic battle for the force.
The win conditions for each side differs, the Light side is trying to take out 3 Dark side objectives, before the Dark side can spin their Death Star dial up to 12 (which essentially acts as the game’s clock).
There are 6 factions available from which you can choose to construct you your decks with (3 for the Light and 3 for the Dark)
The Light Factions are: Jedi, Rebel Alliance, Smugglers and Spies
The Dark Factions are: Sith, Imperial Navy, Scum and Villainy.
From these factions, each player constructs an Objective Deck and a Command Deck (your draw deck). Each faction has its own unique play style, and the game’s deck building mechanic does allow you to splash in other factions into combo decks (but more on the whole deck building aspect in a bit)
Through a series of rounds, each side attempts to reach their respective goals through the playing of combating characters, events, and enhancements. But rather than explain the whole rulebook, let’s just get into what sets it apart from the others:
It pretty much goes without saying that if it’s coming from Fantasy Flight, it’s going to be quality. The glossy cards, the exceptional artwork, the beefy tokens… everything you’ve come to expect from FFG is here. A+ as always.
Old School Star Wars only:
It’s my understanding that as of this moment, FFG only has the rights for the original trilogy. So, this game is classic Star Wars. (Which I know will make many… many… fans happy). This is O.G. Star Wars as it should be! Luke, Han, Vader, Leia, Emperor, Boba Fett, Stormtroopers. No Jar Jar. No midiclorians. None of the things that make you want to rip the arms off a gundark. Just the good ol’ SW. There even appears to be elements of the Expanded Universe sprinkled in there too. (Yes, Mara Jade is on a few of the event cards… not directly called out by name, but that’s her alright). Is it possible that we’ll see other Timothy Zahn characters emerge? (An Admiral Thrawn perhaps??… hint hint FFG) . Only time will tell. So, if you had your heart set on reenacting Trade Federation embargoes, this may not be the game for you.
Different Objectives:
The light side is trying to take out the Empire’s objectives. The dark side is trying to charge up the Death Star laser clock of doom. Not only is this fitting for the theme of the movie but it also keeps the game fresh. (Often, my wife and I play our decks… then swap factions right after for our second game). Your mindset for how you tackle this game completely changes depending on what side you pick, and I think this is a huge plus for keeping the game fresh and interesting.
The Edge Battle:
Combat is a unique beast in this game for a few reasons. First, you don’t attack each other directly, you attack each other’s objectives. After attackers and defenders have been declared, you enter into a secret bid war mini-phase called the “Edge battle”. In a nutshell, almost every card in your hand provides an amount of force icons that you can use as bargaining chips for this phase. Starting with the attacker, he/she places one card face down into the edge stack. Then the defender has the option to place one, and this goes back and forth until both players pass. Then, each side reveals their stack and whoever has the most force icons wins the edge battle. Winning this edge battle affords you several perks. First, you win initiative and will get to strike first. Also, each character in the game has various icons depicting what types of attacks they can perform. Some icons are black and others are white. You always have access to the black icons, but the white ones are active ONLY if you win the edge battle. So, if you want to be in control and make your attack count, you better win that edge battle. In addition, the game also contains “fate cards”, which are typically “gotcha” cards that can only be played in the edge battle stack. At first, I thought this whole bluff thing was a little weird, but after you get used to it, the Edge battle adds a ton of tension to the game. (and often the most laughs)
The Draw mechanic:
When you begin the game, you have a starting reserve of 6 cards. When your draw phase begins, you have the option of discarding one card from your hand. Then you either draw up or discard down to your reserve. Now, you might be thinking “Okay, big deal” but I’d like to testify right now that this is what makes the game great. Add this mechanic to the fact that you can toss any amount of cards into the aforementioned Edge Battle means that you can ultimately control how fast or how slow you are burning through your draw pile. If you find yourself in a bind and NEED to get your Darth Vader A.S.A.P, then start chucking cards in some edge battles… heck, toss your whole hand if you need to, because you’ll be drawing a full 6 next turn. Hand management is a huge part of this game and having the ability the dictate the speed of your draw makes for some great decision making. (Any fellow Summoner Wars fans out there will already understand the concept of “Should I hold this awesome card for later on… or do I need to chuck it out now to serve my immediate goal?”)
The interesting deck building:
At first, I wasn’t sure if the deck building in this game was a “pro” or a “con”. I’ve since very much warmed up to it. Here is how it works: When building a deck, you select an Objective card which goes in your objective deck. That objective card, however, is only 1 of 6 of a set. There are 5 other cards that are tied to the objective which go into your draw deck. A standard tournament deck contains 10 objectives, so by default, your draw deck contains the 50 corresponding cards. When building a deck, you can’t break up any of the cards within in its “pod” separately. They are an “all or nothing” set. What this equates to is if there’s a card in your deck that you’re not a huge fan of and would like to remove, you have to pull the whole set and swap in a new “pod”. Some might find this style easier and some might find this restrictive. Personally, I just think it’s cool because it’s something I’ve never really seen before. Once you play this game, you quickly realize that in order to be successful, you’ll need certain cards to play out and others that are either block fodder or that are just fuel for an edge battle, and I really feel that the pods have been designed keeping this mind. As time goes on, more and more pods will be released, so anyone with the initial feeling of this being “too restricted” will most likely fade.
Concerns / Things you might want to Consider:
Token madness:
This game does have a bunch of tokens going for it. When a card is focused (i.e. tapped/knelt/spent) it is indicated by placing a focus token on it. This requires quite a lot of focus tokens to be out on the board, which can be a little hairy. It’s not a big deal once you get used to it (and is a necessary evil since cards can be exhausted for multiple turns and you need a way to indicate this), but by the time you add in the damage tokens and the shield tokens… well, you’ve certainly got a lot of tokens on the table.
Two cores sets required to be competitive:
With 1 core set, you’ll certainly have enough to start playing (and having tons of fun), but there’s only enough cards to really get 4 of the 6 factions going. If you are serious into playing competitive tournament decks, it’s a given that you’ll want to be running multiples of your best cards, and a single copy of a Vader or a Yoda just isn’t going to cut it. Fortunately, you can only ever run 2 of the same objective, so 2 cores would be all you’d ever need.
Some rule legal jams are still prevalent:
This game is still in its infancy (as of the time of this review – Late January 2013) and there is already a need for FFG to get a FAQ out there. For the most part, the game plays quickly and pretty straight forward, but there are some cards and rules that have conflicts and until an errata or FAQ gets posted you may have to come up with some house rules to deal with them. (Don’t believe me? Just head over to the FFG Forum and read through the 6 plus pages of circular argument that is the “Trench Run” card and you’ll know what I’m talking about”). In other games, if you come across a broken card, no biggie, just don’t run it, but in Star Wars, one card is connected to the pod. Pulling that 1 out means pulling out its 5 buddies. FFG is always good about resolving these issues and coming out with FAQs, so eventually this will be a non-issue. But for today, you’ll just have to live with it.
The “cinematic” sticklers:
There are no restrictions on characters or vehicles being able to attack/defend one another. What this means is you might have an Ewok defend against a Tie Fighter or Luke attacking a Star Destroyer. I’m sure you can already hear the inevitable fanboy complaint of “What did Luke do? Fly through space and cut the ship in half with his lightsaber?” The best counter I’ve heard to this argument came from the “Smuggler’s Den” podcast (I’m not affiliated with them or anything… it’s just a cool Star Wars LCG podcast that I highly recommend). They framed it in a way that explained “Han went to Endor in Return of the Jedi, and his actions shutting down the shields enabled the fleet to blow up the 2nd death star. So, in that regard, Han beat the Death Star”. When viewing the game through this “cinematic” lens, it may help you come to terms with what looks like a “silly battle” on the table. OR you could just lighten up, it’s just a fun card game in the Star Wars universe.
Limited Factions: The core set only comes with 1 pod for the light side faction “Spies and Smugglers” and 1 pod for the dark side “Scum and Villainy”. Unless you have multiple copies of the core set, it’s pretty much useless to try to include these in any deck builds at this time. Which is a DRAG because Han Solo is in the one set and Boba Fett is in the other! Obviously as the chapter pack expansions come out, these factions will become more prevalent, but just know that if you only have 1 core set, these are pretty much just a tease for the moment!
Too Long – Didn’t Read:
To wrap up, this game is quite fun and has a ton of interesting game play mechanics. The more we play it, the more the subtle decisions and their impact start to emerge. I’m certainly hooked and can’t wait for the expansions. When we first started playing the game, it felt like the Dark Side was winning way too often, but once you start to master the finer aspects of playing the game, it’s actually surprisingly balanced. Many of our games come down to the wire and often hinges on a single intense edge battle! (Which is followed by shouts of glee combined with moans of despair!)
But, with it being a brand new game, there are a few rule issues that still need to be addressed, but I’m fully confident that FFG will get everything hammered out. Some diehards might get hung-up on the fact that characters can fight spaceships, but that’s for the nerf herders to lose sleep over… not for the gamers just looking for a fun card game.
The essence of Star Wars is here in spades. The art is amazing. The components are top notch. The deck building is innovative. It’s highly possible that this might take over as our new top LCG! The next time you are heading to Tachi Station to pick up some power converters and blue milk for your Aunt, make sure to pick up a copy or two of this sweet game!
The game is downright fun! No matter what side you choose, you feel like the decisions you make are affecting the Star Wars universe. The game draws you in by having a good mix of iconic characters/events (Darth Vader, Luke, Obi-wan, etc.) and supporting characters/events that are less well known.
The replay value of this game is great! The base set has enough mix and match possibilities. Even if you don’t want to customize your cards, the base set comes with 6 different factions to use (Jedi, Sith, Empire, Rebels, Scum/villains, smugglers). You can use those to easily build 4 distinct starter decks. On a personal note, this game plays very well over video calls because the other players cards rarely need to interact with your cards in a way that cannot be worked around.
The components are mostly the cards which look great. You also have several tokens that are needed to mark damage and exhaustion.
This game is difficult to learn if you don’t have previous experience with longer turns that are broken into phases and steps. But if you are prepared for that, and can play through a couple of games, the turns begin to move much quicker. But initially, be prepared to take your time as you and your opponent make decisions.
Overall, a really nice game. Looking forward to getting expansions as they come out.