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It’s good to agree on at least a general strategy of what you and your teammates are going to do. Will you go separate ways, stick together, discover chambers, or activate gems? When and how will you do this?
We’ve found that the first round between gongs one and two is best for discovering chambers… and hopefully the exit. The second round is for activating gems. The third and final round is for getting out! Of course, things rarely go to plan and one must be flexible but it always has helped us to have a game plan before you start.
When we play with traps in the game we often designate some brave soul as the door opener and therefore the trap magnet. The reason being that the same trap doesn’t stack so rather than 3 people not able to talk with one hand on their head we have one poor soul who is severely hampered but able to open new rooms while the rest of the party is unlocking gems. The only trap this person should worry about is the one that makes you lose a dice as he will need all his dice to keep up with the party. Other people in the same room can still give him gold dice to keep him running at full capacity.
I know rolling black and gold masks is a core mechanic of the game, but as I watched my young children frantically rolling, looking for keys and torches and wee Indianas, they were just ignoring the masks anyway.
For little ones, we drop that requirement and still find that the game is frenetic.
Our over-arching house rule is that fun should trump all.
Our second house rule is that if you want your kids to love board games as much as you, employ house rule number one 🙂
My son is 7 going on 8. He thought it was difficult to play, mostly because of the speed of the play. To make him more comfortable with and to make it a little easier for him we played with the treasures but left off the curses. This worked out well for us.
We tend to play the visual + soundtrack on YOU TUBE as it helps when trying to get back to the starting location before it locks. The normal CD track does not seem clear enough for when this takes place (what with all the rolling, screaming and general panic that goes on while playing the game)
Following the same partner pairing-up strategy that Andy pointed out can yield great results and help to prevent players from getting their dice locked up during the game.
To maximize this effort, agree in advance to call out “Gold!” or something similar whenever you have an unused gold mask result on a dice roll. If your partner(s) are in the same chamber and they happen to roll black masks, they can then immediately be aware of and use the gold mask that you rolled to unlock up to two of their black masks.
If you have more than one partner in the same room, they can then respond with “Gold used!” etc. to indicate when the mask is used. This prevents both partners from taking advantage of a single die roll. The benefit will only be applied to the first person to claim it.
As another alternative to prevent confusion during the game between partner groups, come up with unique terms to use with your partner(s). This strategy could be especially important when gaming with newer members of the group, or at least until you can be sure to single out their voice.
If you play this game on a hardwood table, be prepared for this game to get loud! All those dice hitting the table and rolling around can drown out some of the atmospheric unit. I’d suggest either investing in some dice trays, make your own, or buy a big ol’ roll of felt to lay down on your tabletop!
Since you will be making your way to the entry chamber twice through the game, we have found it invaluable to prepare your dice for the second the door slams. Get to the starting chamber. Start furiously rolling to shore up your gold masks, or to prepare to travel to the next area(s). It’s a good opportunity to remove other players’ black masks as well, instead of just waiting in the starting tile.
Common strategy in this game is to activate magic gems as soon as their chambers become available. This is generally valid, as you have limited time to discover a set amount. If you discover a Gem Chamber within one or two spaces of the Starting Chamber, I recommend that you explore past it and keep searching. Save this for on your return journey to the Starting Chamber. Head back to it slightly before the gong is due and activate the gems then.
This will help in a few ways. You will be much close to the entrance when the gong strikes so you will have a much smaller risk of losing a die. You will hopefully discover more chambers overall thus making it easier to have a plan for the rest of the game. Multiple players can meet in that chamber while waiting for the gong and make it easier to activate the maximum. If unable to activate before the first gong, you can still use the chamber with the same plan for the second gong, possibly with better information on how many successes are actually required.
One of the worst fates that can befall an adventurer in Escape: The Curse of the Temple is to be stuck with all black masks, requiring either adding a gem to the gem depot, or hoping a teammate will be able to help them remove their curses. Since the possibility of sitting still doing nothing is so crippling, I’ve found it helps greatly to keep a gold mask in reserve when possible.
On rolls where you have no black masks and roll a gold mask, keep the gold mask set aside until you have one or two black masks to cancel it with.
While this will generally reduce the total dice that you’re actively rolling by one, it will immediately cancel black mask rolls and give you more flexibility. In addition, if you’re working in pairs and communicating well, you can immediately share the gold mask with your partner if they ever roll a black mask. In this way, a group of 2 is only reserving 1 of 10 dice, as opposed to a single player’s reserving being 1 of 5.
The title pretty much sums it up, while playing last night with a couple friends we found an amazing trick that will shave at least a full minute off your time. When you are rolling to try and match symbols for gems or to decurse your friends or even lift a curse you often will roll 2 green running men. Your mind is so focused on rolling the key or torch that you need that people often miss the double green and scoop all their dice up. Use your 2 green running men to place new tiles this will stop you from rolling to reveal tiles all game long.
Many modern boardgamers play on tables with recessed gaming vaults. Whether homemade or purchased from a company offering them, these tables are wonderful additions to dedicated game rooms. They do, however, make one of the base game curses obsolete.
Since having a die fall off the table while rolling in a vault is almost impossible, change that particular curse to “Lose a die permanently if it ever lands on top of a gaming tile.” You will still need to roll carefully to avoid the penalty, so the curse will maintain its original feel. It should also discourage your guests from bouncing their dice off the table rails too hard, thus increasing the longevity of your specialized furniture.
In Escape: The Curse of the Temple, your team needs to activate as many gems as you can before the time runs out.
In games with 4 or 5 players, it helps greatly to split into two teams, with the teams going different directions. The 2/3 people in a given team should attempt to stay, for the most part, together (generally within a room of each other).
Playing in this way increases the speed in which you can get through tile stack as you’re attacking it in two directions. Additionally, you always have a teammate to help with sharing gold masks.
Two people can generally successfully get to the 7 needed dice to get 2 gems from the gem chambers.
Playing in 2 player teams will reduce the liklihood of getting to the 10 needed dice (though it’s still certainly possible) for 3 gems in the gem chambers. This means you’ll typically want to focus on getting at least 2 gems in these chambers, as a single gem will be difficult to make up for later.
Often, this will lead to one of the two teams finding the exit before the 2nd return to the central chamber, making it easy to keep the entire team together for the final escape.
In larger groups, grab a friend, stick with them, and you’ll have a much better chance of clearing out the gem depot, and escaping successfully.
Split into pairs and head off in different directions. That way you cover more ground quickly and are not as far away when you have to return. Additionally, a dead end will not be as devastating to recover from.
Once you have gone our 2 tiles from the start tile try looping back with tile placement to meet up with the other members of your party who went the other way. This will help shorten the distance from the exit tile (wherever it is to the start tile. You can repeat this process to create a second loop so that 1 loop is above the start tile and 1 is belowit with any luck.
Speed is key in Escape: The Curse of the Temple. Quick decision making and focused goals will go a long way towards success.
To give yourself the most rolls and best chance to win, control your dice when rolling.
While it sounds obvious, watching groups play the game will show there’s often at least one person that rolls their dice all over the table, with a lot of waiting for dice to stop rolling and spinning. Time where you are waiting for a result, or needing to reach across or under the table to grab rogue dice is time you’re not advancing through the temple.
Aim to pick a small area in front of you, away from the expanding board and the edge of the table, and keep your rolls short and quick. Pull any dice you are saving off to the side to keep the dice you’re actively rolling from colliding with them, knocking them around costing more time.
With a game that only gives you 10 minutes, and sprints back to the central room often are achieved with seconds to go, buying yourself extra time by controlling your dice rolling can give you the few extra moments you need to escape.
We have yet to play this game with any expansions, so please take that to heart when I go through this house rule.
Use your hand/arm/foot/whatever to block your dice from rolling off the table as you roll them. That way you can control the relative area of roll and keep yourself from spraying your dice everywhere.
Again, only in the BASE game where there are no curses pertaining to dice sprays or falling off the table.
While you are sitting in a room designate one person to
opening up the next room while everyone else works on the room. The play can then call out what is needed to get there and what is needed when you get there. By this time the other players will have most likely completed the current room and are ready to move.
Try get as much gems as possible, quickly so it can ease your way to the exit. Don’t open rooms if you don’t need to…
We made it a house rule that you can’t use a dice tray.
Although it is awesome for keeping things tight and quick, there is never really a chance for a dice to fall off the table. This makes the dice falling of the table curse useless.