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Pedro Soares

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Go to the Clank! Sunken Treasures page
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Forbidden Island

6 out of 15 gamers thought this was helpful

This is an easy game to play, to understand, to go for the win and also to teach.
Solid components as much as the the. Come in a tin box which is good for keeping.
We need to keep atention not to make mistakes a loose a game wich is otherwise easy to win.
This game popularity will lastforever. It’s simple and easy.
It’s better played with four people, though any other number of player suits this game.

Go to the Scythe: Invaders from Afar page
5 out of 6 gamers thought this was helpful

It adds two new races which adds some more variety and new strategy possibilities.
The two new races add new mechanics to the game and it really doesn’t make it more difficult to learn or to play.
This is a nicely done expansion that should be included on the base game.
It might crowd the board a little if played with all the races…
This expansion makes the game even greater because the races are so different but at the same it doesn’t make the game more difficult to learn or to play.

Go to the Scythe page


6 out of 9 gamers thought this was helpful

This game really surprised me because:
I don’t like miniature games and I liked this one.
The fact is that the miniature strategy involved doesn’t include any military stuff. The miniatures are well built and it’s really a pleasure to grab them.
These sort of games tend to have many rules, icons and be very complicated. But notr this one. When we get stuck with rules, the manual explains everything clearly. Rules are easy to be understood.
It’s almost impossible to play the same game twice because of the different races included and because of the several strategies that we can use to win the game.
There is no luck factor because it’s, all strategy.
As a miniature game, it’s rather quick wich makes it more atractive.
The art and text on the cards are logic and delightful.
I advice this game to everyone even to those who don’t like this sort of games.

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