The new year is in full swing and many of you are inside, enjoying time at the table! With that said, it’s time to get some new games on this site! So we’re reaching out to you all! What are the top 3 games you want to see added? We’ll pull the top 10 and add them in the coming week!
Tags: Community Discussions, games added, What are you playing?
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Cascadia, Cascadia Landmarks, Tiny Epic Vikings
Clue Suspect, Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit, Kingdom Hearts: Talisman
The Crew : quest for planet nine, Ark Nova, Frosthaven, Welcome to the Moon
I’d like to see Golem, Furnace, and Witchstone. I was also wondering if anyone updates this site anymore. I haven’t seen any posts since February.
Thank you for continuing to put content into a great site! I hope Boardgaming continues to grow.
Little late to the party but here goes. Second Stratagon’s suggestion of Dune: Imperium and the Crew. Would also like to see the fourth cycle of the Lord of the Rings, LCG (the deluxe box is on the site but the 6 Adventure packs are not.). Thanks Green Metal Box for the poll and all your efforts!
The Crew : quest for planet nine
Dune:Imperium, Final Girl, The Crew (both versions)
Great suggestions!! Look for additions this week! 🙂
I have been playing lots of “roll and writes” lately. Some of my current favorites are Troyes Dice, Metro X, and Rajas of the Ganges: The Dice Charmers.
Canvas, Ausonia and Black Sonata, to name a few
Furnace, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Smartphone Inc.
Edit: Just noticed that Arnak was just added a few weeks ago. So replacement suggestion would be Conan (the Monolith game).
Dice Masters: War of Light, The Amazing Spider-Man, Faerun Under Siege