B. Chereaux
gamer level 6
11037 xp
11037 xp
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Critic (lvl 3)
805 xp
805 xp
Explorer (lvl 4)
2150 xp
2150 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
587 xp
587 xp
Reporter (lvl 3)
700 xp
700 xp
About Me
I started playing board games in college. A friend of mine was talking about a great FLGS in town and eventually I went with him to check it out. I bought Lords of Waterdeep at the recommendation of the owner, and my collection has been growing ever since. I enjoy worker placement, light role playing, dice games, and definitely strategic combat games, but nothing without at least a little strategy.
This is fast becoming the favorite game in our house. My wife will never turn down a game of Sagrada and after one play, it is not hard to see why. This game is easy to learn, quick to play, and downright beautiful to look at.
The Good:
The components are well made and the translucent, colored dice are awesome. After a few rounds, this one looks gorgeous on the table and you can really see the theme coming through.
The puzzle aspect of the game is engaging and challenging without being cluttered by unnecessary rules.
A full playthrough takes only 30 minutes, so it shouldn’t be hard to keep even the least initiated board gamer interested.
The Not-So-Good:
The cardstock used on the cards feels a little flimsy. This especially bothers me about the window pattern cards since they will be manipulated in and out of frames every time we play
The rules for scoring at the end of the game needed explanations of EACH rule. The rulebook only provided examples of a few, and I have to admit we played a few games wrong and did some puzzle solving after to figure out how to score.
This game definitely lives up to the hype, and is one that will be on our shelves for years to come. It plays well as a filler for two or three people in between longer Ameritrash games, or as a main course for up to six players with an optional expansion. I am very happy with the amount of game I got for only 40 bucks!