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What are you playing this weekend? (Feb 14 2019)

Posted by Tiana901 {Family Gamer} | 14-Feb-19 | 10 comments

Happy Valentine’s Day and Singles Awareness Day, for those who celebrate. A day to celebrate love, independence, and interdependence! Another busy weekend for me. Maybe this weekend I will have time for some Islebound.

What are you playing this weekend?

Comments (10)

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Gamer - Level 9
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Guardian Angel

Bohnanza, Bunny Kingdom, Wildlands, Azul, Buy Words, Dragon Castle, Just One.

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@B.Chereaux – There is some replay value as you can make have different player types on a team. But you only have Orcs & Humans to start with. You can download the LRB 6.0 (ruleset and teams) and get other team types. You just have to proxy the different types of players as not all teams have exactly the same players.

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I play blue
El Dorado
Guardian Angel

Busy weekend all around. Squeezed some gaming in between events.

Friday: Lord of the Rings,LCG & Gloomhaven (2x)
Saturday: Great Western Trail
Sunday: Lord of the Rings,LCG & Gloomhaven (2x)

@Tiana: Hope you got Islebound to the table. Great game!

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Book Lover
I play blue

I had to work most of the weekend, so no playing for me. Hopefully the coming weekend will bring some gaming.

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Tasty Minstrel Games Fan
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@RedShirtRob, How is the base game of Blood Bowl. I’m looking for something in the two player category for a friend and I to play, but I don’t want to get into a money pit.

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I play blue

I played some old favorites this weekend. My gaming included Coloretto, Sushi Go, Qwixx, and Quinto.

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Critic - Level 3

First game of Spacecorp which is another brilliant release from GMT.

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Gamer - Level 4

We celebrated Valentines Day with our first game of Pandemic.

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I play purple
Explorer - Level 6
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

I am playing Dice Masters and Overpower CCG.

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Hoping to play some Blood Bowl this weekend, and maybe some solo Star Wars X-wing.

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