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Critic (lvl 1)
130 xp
130 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
727 xp
727 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
190 xp
190 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
287 xp
287 xp
About Me
Having played role playing games (predominantly Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and Twilight: 2000) during high school, I switched over to online gaming. Games like SimCity (numerous versions), Civilization (numerous versions) and World of Warcraft ate up my time.
About 6 years ago I game up on online gaming. It took up time that I no longer had, and it's not a world that I want to get back to. However I do love the idea of playing games and the social interaction that comes with it.
When I was younger, the family games we played included Monopoly, Jumbo Jet, Scotland Yard and a German version of Broker called Borsenspiel. The latter was actually always a favourite of mine and one that still has me wanting to play it at age 40+, while dice-driven games such as Monopoly and Jumbo Jet no longer take my fancy.
A few years ago I bought Carcassonne and have played that a bit. I really love it, but the opportunities to get people together have been too few. That's something my wife and I want to now change, and we've bought a couple of extra games (Ticket to Ride Europe and Merchants & Marauders) to allow us to have board game nights with our friends. 2017 will be the year and I'm keen to learn these and other games. And probably the occasional game of Borenspiel too!
This is a game that is easy to pick up, but also involves strategy that takes time to learn. As such it’s very accessible for new games, but also has plenty of depth for more experienced gamers and for replay.
It’s easy to go along, lay tiles and place meeples (playing pieces) on roads, cities, farms and cloisters to claim them. Points are accumulated for the size of the cities, the length of the roads, the number of tiles around the cloisters and the number of cities being supplied by farms. Even younger players can easily manage this.
But the depth comes out of strategies that can be applied to the play, particularly involving farmers and the fields that they claim. Because farmers gather points for each completed city that touches their field, a good farmer will get busy building lots of small cities. While larger cities score better points as cities, lots of small cities can be great for the farmer. Of course the farmer’s opponent should try to cut off the growing field using roads, etc. So while it appears simple, and can be played casually, situational awareness and a bit of thought can add to the success and ultimate enjoyment.
The game is also beautifully made. Its components are sturdy – nice sold cardboard tiles and painted wooden meeples (except for one of my meeples that only has one leg). It’s very bright and cheerful, which again helps it appeal to casual gamers who don’t yet know how much fun it is.
Carcassonne usually takes less than an hour to play when there’s no need to explain the rules. So it’s great for a quick game. Or if you’ve just introduced somebody to it, it’s very doable to have another game or two to apply those new-found insights into the game. Set-up is very quick. Just separate out the river tiles (which are the first tiles laid down, and form the core of the landscape that the rest of the tiles then adjoin) when you pack up, and starting out next time is almost instant.
And if the original game gets a bit stale, there are heaps of expansions that allow you to add further rules and complexities, as well as additional tiles for an even bigger playing world.
Highly recommended for a wide range of gamers and even their non-gamer friends.
Replaying the game allows for greater depth in strategy, particularly in utilizing farmers. Farmers can yield rich rewards and require cunning use of cities. Or if another player is using farmers, the laying of roads to curtail the size of their farms.
Highly recommended!