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12512 xp
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Explorer - Level 4
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
340 xp
340 xp
Explorer (lvl 4)
1767 xp
1767 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
429 xp
429 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
262 xp
262 xp
About Me
My Father raised me on board/card games from a young age. It started off simple, but quickly evolved. I enjoy just about every well designed game. I'm down-right competitive, but know how to lose with grace... I recently became an uncle, and cherish the opportunity to pass along a great hobby to a new generation!
Jaipur is a simple, yet elegant trading game for 2 players.
Replay Value: 3/5
I rated Jaipur as average when it comes to replay value. It is a great game to come back to periodically, but it gets a tad redundant if you play game after game, which you might want to do because it is a rather short game.
Components: 4/5
Nothing to special component-wise, but the art of the game is very nice.
Easy to Learn: 5/5
The rule book is laid out in a very intuitive and easy to learn way. The rules are quick to pick up on, but the strategy takes a little while to develop, which is a good thing.
The reason this quickly became one of my favourite 2 player games is because it is so small, compact and light, that it is one of the easiest 2 player games to bring on trips.
This game is fun, easy to learn, and unique. Since it’s so inexpensive and wonderful, I would highly recommend adding it to your games library!