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Discover New Favorites: Let the Exploration begin!

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 9-Sep-13 | 26 comments

Explore and discover great games

Explorable Favorites

With board games becoming more popular and mainstream there are a TON of great games to choose from! Which game will you and those you play with enjoy the most? What game will spend more time being played rather than gathering dust on a shelf? And where do you look when trying to find a great new game?

Introducing’s Explorable Favorites!

How it works
Each Monday we’ll select one member at random and two of the games from their Favorites shelf. These games will be made explorable until the next Monday when a new member and two of their favorite games are selected. News articles titled “Explorable Favorites” will announce each new set.

Making Discovery Fun!
A game that is made explorable will reward you with BG gold, Gamer XP and Explorer XP as you read and rate reviews, watch videos, visit the game’s official website, and do other things to learn about the game. You’ll also complete quests along the way! You can see your quest progress on the Explorer Quest page.
Click here to learn all about explorable games >

Get Started! This Week’s Explorable Games

This first round of Explorable Favorites is from member Morlimar. We broke the rules a bit for this first round because Morlimar wasn’t a random choice, he’s one of our game reviewers 🙂 Because we broke the rules we made three games from his favorites shelf explorable:

(note: Some of his other favorites are part of the Cooperative Game Collection, so they’re explorable too!)

Comments (26)

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

Really know more games through exploration.

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I play blue
Football Fan
Advanced Reviewer

Glad to see this feature back. It is really what made this site unique and help force us out of our box into other games. I like the randomness of it too!

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Rosetta Stone
Football Fan
Explorer - Level 5

@Mat I’m not sure how many, but there are some random ones I have explored not on the list. Most are classic games. Check out Settlers of Catan page to see if it’s still Explorable.

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Book Lover
I play blue

That sounds really cool! I have already finished the exploration of the games, but I have of yet to play Tokaido in real life. I would very much like to try them all out, maybe at the event I will attend in beginning of November

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Miniature Painter
Rosetta Stone
Advanced Reviewer Beta 1.0 Tester

I am really excited to see the site getting some love. I was worried that with lack of updates and an inability to go to Gencon (not that I made it there either) that one day I was going to visit and find the site taken down.

Thanks to the admin for their hard work. I do enjoy the site, and would like to see it stick around.

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Miniature Painter
Rosetta Stone
Advanced Reviewer Beta 1.0 Tester

Rich W –

5 reviews, one tip, official site, video, time well spent.

Then you just need to play the game once, and that gets you squared away.

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United Kingdom
Professional Reviewer
Crab Clan - Legend of the Five Rings
Book Lover

An excellent means of implementing this quest.

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I play black
Guardian Angel
Platinum Supporter
Marquis / Marchioness

@ Mat… I believe there are 21 total explorable games right now (18 in the cooperative collection + 3 listed here)

@ Rich W… you can complete the exploration with any of the other steps… for instance, grade 5 reviews, grade 1 tip, watch a video, view the game’s homepage, follow the game and log a play of the game

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Movie Lover
Comic Book Fan

Thanks for reviving this Quest!

Quick question: The site has how many explorable games in total?

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The Gold Heart
Treasure Chest

How did anyone complete the exploration for Libertalia? I only see 5 reviews to rate out of the 6 needed to finish it.

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I play purple
Explorer - Level 6
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

Very nice! I like it! Done for this week!

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

All games explored!

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Intermediate Reviewer
Chief Inspector
El Dorado

A most interesting and welcome twist to the Explorable Games side of things, I like it!

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Miniature Painter
Expert Advisor
Advanced Reviewer

Great idea! Looking forward to new surprises…

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Novice Advisor
The Gold Heart
Pick a Favorite LGS

Thanks for adding some more explorable games!

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Rosetta Stone
Football Fan
Explorer - Level 5

Very nice addition. Thanks!

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Smash Up Fan

Excellent improvement to this site, well done !

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United Kingdom
Intermediate Reviewer
Video Game Fan

Really great to see this, love the explorable games!

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
Video Game Fan
Miniature Painter
Senior Reporter

@bobb33z3r, Ha! If it becomes a new favorite of yours the purpose of the Explorable Favorites will have been fulfilled!

I’m glad everyone is liking these!

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8 Beta 1.0 Tester
Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
Platinum Supporter
Advanced Reviewer

I am directly blaming the Explorable Games Quest for my purchase of Tokaido! 🙂

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