Ricardo Azimovas
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Chaos Marauders
In Chaos Marauders each player command a vast Chaos, Orc clan, When suddenly the sprawling mass of bored and surly Orcs grinds to a halt because of yet another petty feud. In the amount of trickery will be low enough, the amount of thugish brutality too vile. And only one tribe can come out on top.
Chaos Marauders is a fast and frenzied card game of Orcish mayhem for 2-4 players que places you in charge of an orc mob preparing to lay waste to rival mobs! These grunts are boorish, disorganized, and just plain stupid (oh really, see, very stupid orcs…) but they’re the only tribe have to win.
Rules of understanding is extremely easy, even a person with intelligence and quick thinking of the orc grabs the rules quickly (lol). It takes less than 2 minutes to explain all the rules.
Each turn you will draw cards to recruit new fighters, construct war machines, and acquire treasure to add to your battle lines, and you have three battle lines and these lines are what will see you to victory or end in crushing defeat. Battle lines have to have at least four cards, but can have as many as twelve. Each fighter you discover must be added to one of your three battle lines. War machines, the engines of death and destruction, are made up of multiple pieces and the crew (follow the illustration card stupid orc !). Once assembled, these mighty engines of devastation can lay waste to many an opposing mob. Also each line must have a Musician and a Battle Standard to keep the orcs in line and get them to go the right direction (go to that direction stupid orc!). Once a line is filled, They rush forth to take treasure and war machines from one of your foes (kill, loot, steal, kill, loot, steal, kill… what came next?).
This game is great for expecting that guy who always takes to get to play the main game board, day or session que RPG which is indispensable to have all the characters participating. You will have lots of fun and you certainly will not spend neurons of your brain (orcs have brains ? … Good follow the drawing).
Game Components and size:
– It’s a small little box the size of a box of candy, in addition there are some items:
– Play 4 Sheets;
– 110 Cards;
– 1 Cube Of Devestation (or simply to ‘die’ if you’re a wimpy git);
– 16 Sneaky Git Control Markers (4 Sets of 4 Colors);
– Rulebook 1 Game;
– 1 Card Reference.
The cards are made of durable materials and well made , the proper standard of FantasyFlightgames.
The game gives for 2-4 persons (4 persons recommended for greater dynamism and laughter in board).
The game is small and easily stored in your bag. But the space to play has to be a large table, after all, you can make 3 lines of combat with up to 20 cards on each line.
15-30 min playing time, no more than that unless you actually have the intelligence of an orc to take much to think about.
– The Family Gamer – 5/5 – Good for kids to play with by their parents their extreme simplicity of rules. Laughter guaranteed.
– The Social Gamer – 5/5 – Kill, loot, steal… (lol).
– The Strategy Gamer – 2/5 – There few strategies in this game, if you like complex games, gaiety another. But what are you waiting for a game orcs?
– The Casual Gamer – 5/5 people to expect or When it is in a short team and 1/5 if you’re only with this game (seriously, this game you can not play the whole afternoon).
– The Avid Gamer – 5/5 – Good for calling acquaintances of view and an “ice breaking “. Good for strangers who will join the RPG table or shortly will play a big board game and lose if desinibirem shyness in front of the group Which he does not know. Of course it is good to see also strange if your usual gaming group you called guy is a nice guy and a tremendous boring.
– The Power Gamer – 3/5 – Check one or more fighting machines and wreck as if the enemy line porridge is good for your ego. Believe me.
– Playing fast and very easy to understand;
– Game mechanics and simple theme;
– Great game side, great to “break the ice” if you know not all of the people at the table.
– Few strategies, three times after playing the game, you’ll be wondering where is that guy barks Which you are expecting;
– There is no complexity in this game. If you only play board games for avid thinkers and strategists not play this game;
– Seriously, this board game that requires people who play are a bit playful, if you consider yourself a more serious guy, do not buy and do not play this game.
In my opinion a good game to play with friends waiting for more friends to arrive. And above all, causes many laughs.