John McGuinness
gamer level 5
3632 xp
3632 xp
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 3)
765 xp
765 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
761 xp
761 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
405 xp
405 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
259 xp
259 xp
About Me
I have been a huge gamer since the 70s. I played a lot of D&D, wargames, and sports board games. I then started playing ccgs like Magic, Spellfire, Illuminati, etc. I have also been a big video game player and computer games, though I prefer board games. After getting married and having kids (2 girls), started playing a lot more family-style games. My family is currently playing a lot of Wits and Wagers, Uno, and Apples to Apples. On my computer, I am playing OOTP15 and Football Manager. My Kindle is primarily used for some of the Lovecraft games out there and Carcassonne and other board-to-digital games.
Cards of Cthulhu
I am a huge fan of HP Lovecraft. I have read almost every thing he wrote. So, when I hear of a game based on his Cthulhu Mythos, I am both very excited and a bit worried. I think this game does a good of incorporating the feel of the impending doom in a simple solo card game.
The basics of the game goes something like this:
1. You choose one of the main characters to play. Each has a unique special ability. Some are better than others, but they all are fun to play.
2. You draw cards from the draw deck. The draw deck is both the timer, you are trying to get to the end, meaning you win, before one of the other conditions happen, which means you lose. The deck is also where the monsters, gates, and minions (all bad) come out and where you get special artifacts (good or bad) and companions (good).
3. You need to place the monsters, gates, and minions on one of the 4 boards – each board is a different Great Old One. If you ever have too many minions on a board, you lose. You can also lose by losing your sanity, which can be lost by allowing monsters to stay on the boards.
4. You defeat monsters and minions by rolling dice equal to or greater than the strengths of the monster or the minion(s).
This is a simple dice rolling, resource management, and card game. The theme is ok, it certainly comes out enough. There is enough tension to make the game play fun and interesting.