Dungeon Roll
Dungeon Roll is a light and quick press-your-luck dice game with many important and interesting decisions.
In Dungeon Roll, you will:
- Be a Hero with special and unique abilities.
- Roll your party made of clerics, fighters, mages, thieves, champions, and scrolls.
- Destroy the monsters, drink potions, collect treasures, and slay dragons found in the dungeon.

images © Tasty Minstrel Games
Dungeon Roll has:
- More choice and strategy than a typical push your luck dice game, without losing all of the satisfying highs of a great dice game.
- Outstanding art and visuals.
- Custom molded plastic dice in 2 types, dungeon dice and party dice.
- An incredible box to loot treasures from.
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A plethora of dungeon-themed games have come out in recent years, to the point that it can be difficult to keep them straight. One Deck Dungeon, Dungeon Command, Rumble in the Dungeon, Dungeon Dice, Dungeon Petz, Dungeon Fighter, Dungeon Run, Welcome to the Dungeon, and the very directly named Dungeon!, to name but a few. So many people are heading into dungeons these days you’d think it was the Spanish Inquisition.
(pause for laughter)
Dungeon Dice does a workmanlike job of visually distinguishing itself from the numerous similarly-named competitors by coming in a treasure chest-shaped box, which makes it both easy to identify and hard to stack. The game’s contents are a bit sparse, with a lot of tokens, a bunch of dice, and a handful of cards.
The game is extremely simple: Choose a hero card, each with a special ability, and then roll up a party represented by white dice, with each of the six faces representing a different class (or a rather-useless scroll). Then you head into a dungeon represented by a ten-sided die, with each floor potentially containing monsters, treasure, potions, or pieces of a dragon that has been inexplicably disassembled, all of which are also represented by dice. The party dice can cancel out individual monster dice, or multiples thereof, and the thrust of the game is managing your stockpile of helpful dice friends while accruing treasures and experience. Leave before you’ve spent the necessary resources and you get experience based on the level you’ve reached, get stuck facing monsters with no way to deal with them and you’re sent packing empty handed. Given the format it feels a lot less dungeon-y than most games, and if you’re going for an immersive experience you’ll need to use your imagination a lot to turn those dice on your table into an appropriately intimidating dungeon.
Playing solo is a quick and more fun than solitaire, which is about all you need in a solo game. The main problem comes from trying to go further than that. With two people, the player not controlling the hero for the turn rolls the dice for the dungeon. It’s essentially busy work, as they don’t get to make any choices about what the dungeon-dwellers do. The “not doing anything” issue becomes dramatic with three or four people, which leaves two players sitting on their hands for an extended period while somebody else tries to navigate the dungeon.
The difficulty is fairly low, as it’s generally clear when you need to end the current round. I only lost one fight in the forty-eight rounds I played (three for each hero, eight from the regular game and eight from the first little expansion), even with the heroes I ended up scoring poorly with. The scoring system for solo play in the manual has five stages, and I achieved a rock-solid consistency in hitting the second level (out of five). It’s rare that I got above (with the Crusader and Sorceress heroes) or below (with the Dwarf and Viking heroes) that bracket. There’s no real victory condition in solo play (though getting more points than your opponent in multiplayer isn’t much of a victory, as you don’t interact), so perhaps being that consistently mediocre in the point total is actually a bad thing? So much of the gameplay is based on the proverbial roll of the dice (which in this case is also a literal roll of the dice) that it’s hard to imagine that one could gain any measure of skill at the game beyond the simple probability calculation you can pick up with a couple of rounds.
So it’s fun, but more of a solo time-waster than anything else.
I noticed this on Kickstarter and hopped on the wagon since it was a hugely popular project and it looked like a fun filler game, which is something I would like to have for those few minutes of waiting for other players during a game night. So, what did I get?
The components:
First of all it comes in a box shaped as a treasure chest. Bonus points for that. Secondly, the dice are all engraved with custom shapes and colors. And lastly, the cards and tokens in the game are also of good quality, and everything fits nicely back into the box.
This is a very easy step. Each player has a handout with all the tokens and icons explained, and they get to choose a hero from the avaliable hero cards, or just given one randomly. Lay out the cards that make the graveyard and dragon lair and set the D10 dice to 1. The hero player takes the white dice while the player to the left takes the black. And you’re ready.
You are delving into a dungeon. And of course, the deeper you get, the more dangerous it gets. The first level has 1 enemy dice, the second 2, and so on. The hero player rolls their dice only once during their entire adventure. The player to the left takes care of the monster dice.
For each level, the dice has to be resolved. But to resolve a fight, open a chest or cast a potion, you need to sacrifice dice. When a hero fights, he is placed on the graveyard for some reason, and is out of the game for this round. When you choose to delve further, you have less dice of your own while the dungeon/monster dice keeps growing. Also, if the dragon appears, you will have to face that one as well as the other dice.
You can quit any time you want after a confrontation is over. Then you get experience points equal to the level you’re at. Next round, you have to start over. But items from treasures and dragon loot might give you an advantage later on. But you only have 3 dungeon delves for the game before it’s over. The one with the most experience points is the winner.
Dungeon Crawler?
The typical dungeon crawl is often represented by a or many heroes that physically goes into a dungeon and face the creatures there. There will of course be fights and choices to be made in order to win the battles. In this game, you don’t get many choices. Some hero type can defeat many of the same monster types, so they are almost always a given. The only choice you will be faced with is: will you delve further?
You do have a hero character on your hero card. That hero has two special abilities, and may be used appropriately. When you get 5 experience or more, the character levels up, and you flip it over. Now you have better abilities.
But this game doesn’t feel like a dungeon crawl. It has the looks of one, but that’s it. But that’s also what I expected when I backed it on Kickstarter. A light push your luck-game that looks cool and plays fast. And that’s exactly what this game is. You probably won’t play more than 1 session at a time.
I got what I thought it would be. It’s a game to bring to the table when you have 15 minutes to kill. So why not kill monsters and have some fun while you wait? The box is small and easy to take with you, and it has an appealing look for those who like the fantasy genre.
Another thing to point out is the downtime between turns. 2 players are engaged at a time, one being the hero party and another the dungeon. Other players aren’t really engaged in what happens with this hero, other than paying attention to what the result was and how many experience points were won.
So, for what it is, it’s a good game. Nothing more.
The stalwart adventures gather together at the entrance to the dungeon. Lighting their torches, they enter in! What will they find as they drive deeper into the darkness? Will it be treasure or the dreaded dragon? In Dungeon Roll, players take the role of an adventuring party, fresh from the tavern and ready gather some loot. Be wary for as you go deeper into the dungeon, there may be more monsters that come out of the darkness, ready to stomp your party and send you back to town with your tail between your legs.
Dungeon Roll consists of players taking three delves, in which they will go as far as either they feel their luck will take them or until the monsters defeat them. Each player is dealt a character card at the beginning of the game, then, at the beginning of each delve, the active player will roll all seven of the party dice. Then, another player will roll one of the dungeon dice. The active player will then either use on of their party dice to react to the dungeon dice, be it to defeat a monster, quaff potions or open treasure chests.
After the monsters have been defeated and any other dungeon dice have been either used or ignored, the active player can then decide if they want to continue. If they choose to continue on, they enter the next level to the dungeon and even more dungeon dice are rolled. If they decide to retire and head back to town, they gain experience equal to the level that they completed. This continues until all players have had a total of three delves.
– Lots of dice!
– Good quality components
– Packs small – It comes in a unique box that is about the size of a recipe box
– Quick to play – It takes about fifteen minutes to get through a game based on the amount of players
– The box itself shows wear and tear after just a few games because of the hinged lid
– The rulebook tends to leave players confused at certain points
I really like this game. It is a light game that takes only a few minutes to play, so it is great for downtime between games. As far as the box goes, my wife and I bought a small treasure chest at Gen Con that has a hidden tray in the bottom of it. It works perfectly for holding all the dice, cards, rulebook and experience tokens on the top shelf, and all the treasure tokens underneath. If you are looking for a small game to bring to your gaming groups that plays quick, you should definitely give Dungeon Roll a try!
A party of adventurers delves into the dungeon for riches and glory. The classic (or tired as less generous gamers might say) premise gets a unique treatment in Dungeon Roll – a wonderfully compact dice game from Tasty Minstrel Games. The cool factor of the custom dice fails to translate into anything substantial, but the game seems to be perfectly content with that.
Dungeon Roll was a Kickstarter project that was an outstanding success in early 2013, collecting more than 15 times its’ original goal in pledges. One of the reasons undoubtedly contributing to this success was the physical presentation of the game. To start off it is tiny – the box fits into a palm of a hand, presented as a treasure chest (with a fitting Mimic option available as an exclusive). The game itself consists of a handful of cards, a few dozen small treasure cardboard tokens and most importantly – fourteen dice that act as the game’s mechanic basis.
The game is a competitive exercise for 1-4 players, where players attempt to outdo each other in whose adventuring party descends deeper into the dungeon and comes out with most treasure. The white dice represent the player’s party – it is rolled for every expedition. Then for every level of the dungeon black dice are rolled, representing the hazards that the party encounters and potentially the rewards it finds. Each white die can be used to get rid of one or more black dice (e.g. a cleric, represented by the grey hammer can get rid of any monster rolled on a black die or of all the skeletons rolled at once). Rolling matching sets on the black dice is therefore advantageous as it allows you to use your party members (white dice) more effectively. Black dice can also reveal positive finds like treasures (that score points) or potions (that return used party dice to the player). Finally, a dragon can be encountered – once a certain number of these results has been rolled a mini-boss like battle ensues, requiring significant commitment of white dice and providing significant rewards.
After clearing out any given dungeon level, the player faces a choice to either stop or keep going further to face another level. The further you descend the more points you score, however if you are unable to defeat all monsters on a level – you get nothing, resulting in a push-your-luck approach to decision making.
There are eight leaders to pick from, introducing unique benefits and somewhat customizing the gameplay. Many treasures collected also allow in-game bonuses – players can substitute these as bonus dice, use these to get out of tight spots, etc. Each player attempts three forays into the dungeon and whoever scores the most points based on dungeon levels conquered and treasures amassed, wins. The whole affair takes 10-20 minutes of light dice-rolling. and not a whole bunch of thinking.
The game’s original highly abstract approach to combat resolution, combined with the neat factor of the custom dice carries the first several plays, however the excitement fades somewhat quickly as even intermediate gamers will soon easily spot the one right move for any situation. This leaves the game to be a simple exercise of hoping to get multiples of the same result. Certain decisions still impact the outcomes – for example to use the treasures to get to a deeper level or to cut your losses and run, scoring points for the remaining treasures instead. However these end up being less strategic and more mathy, not doing the game any service.
There is no player interaction whatsoever as the game is basically a solo exercise that can be played by several people taking turns, further detracting from its’ appeal. However, the game does work very well as light solo filler – playing solo removes annoying down time and using the game as a time-killer rather than a main attraction of a gaming night sets a low bar that it clears.
All in all, due to the game’s low price point, compact size and attractive physical components – it should make a nice addition to most gaming collections. It will most definitely not replace your favourite game or lead to game nights dedicated entirely to Dungeon Roll though. Realistic expectations are key at enjoying this innovative but ultimately superficial light entry.
Most of the games I get to play are with my wife and son (5). So I need some simple mechanics and pleasing themes. This hits both for me.
My wife really enjoys gaming. She is drawn in by good mechanics and quirky themes. Currently really loves Smash Up. Dungeon Roll was a stretch or so I thought.
My son needs a more simple mechanic. He has played some more advanced games but simple and quick are best. He loves this.
Roll some dice. Have someone else roll some other dice. Match up the dice. Battle, resolve items, maybe fight a dragon. It’s simple.
But the game offers other elements that make gameplay more exciting. They have characters that can be dealt at random or chosen. We choose. My son likes the choice. The characters add special abilities which give the game a bit more depth.
There is some strategy with the dice rolling. What to keep when you have scrolls (allow you to reroll any number of dice), what to bring back when you quaff a potion (you can choose the type). Not super tough but some choice non the less.
We have had fun each time. And it’s quick enough to play between longer games.
Who it’s for:
Really anybody can enjoy it. You have to know what it is and except what it is though. Don’t think you are getting a huge revolutionary game. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s fun.
Components are well done
Fun and quick
Has a mechanic that could be added to
Characters change a bit of strategy
The player mat offered by inked is good
May be too simple for some
Some of the kickstarter stretch goals could make it better
“Two giant stone doors tower before you, covered in moss, vines and deep battle scars from ages gone by. Upon further inspection, a dank smell permeates the air as you approach the doors. The smell of death, decay and something not quite right makes your parties skin crawl. With a word, your wizard opens the doors to complete darkness and the unknown is tugging at your senses. The wizards staff lights up, the warrior moves in first, one member after another. What will you find in the Dungeon? Why is the hair standing up on the back of your neck? Why is there a giant red scale on the ground before you? Do you have the metal to brave Dungeon Roll?”
Publisher: Tasty Minstrel Games
Game Designer: Chris Darden
Players: 1-4
Ages: 8 to adult
Playing Time: 15 minutes
Contents: 1 rulebook, 7 white party dice, 7 black dungeon dice, 1 10-sided level die, 36 treasure tokens, 24 experience tokens, 8 hero cards, 4 player aid cards, 1 hero book.
Suggested Retail Price: $15.99
Parental Advisory: Safe for kids
In Dungeon Roll each player receives a Hero Card either at random or the player can choose from the following characters: Bard, Battlemage, Beguiler, Chieftain, Commander, Dragon Slayer, Necromancer and Paladin. Each Hero also has a Special Ability that can be used anytime and and Ultimate Ability that can only be used once per delve into the Dungeon. Hero can level up once after gaining enough experience points to help their special abilities.
The game is played in the rounds or each playing delving into the dungeon three times each. The first player then rolls the 7 white dice to determine their party that may include Champions, Fighters, Wizards, Thieves and Clerics. The person to the Players left is the Dungeon Lord and rolls the Dungeon Dice as well as tracks the current players lever with the Level Die.
The players turn consists of four different phases:
The Monster Phase: The active player uses his companions (Champions, Fighters, Mages, Thieves and Clerics) to battle the Monster Dice (Skeleton, Goblins and Oozes.) Any Dragon dice rolled are set off to the side to be faced later if three or more Dragons are rolled. Once a companion is used to battle a monster is put in the graveyard and cannot be used again unless brought back with a potion later in the turn sequence. Dungeon Dice are returned to the Dungeon Pool to be reused again. The current player can press their luck and go deeper into the dungeon increasing the level on the Level Die and gaining more experience points. Level 1, one Dungeon Die is rolled, Level 2, two Dungeon Dice are rolled etc. If a player fails to defeat the current level, they must flee the Dungeon and their delve is over with out gaining any experience.
The Loot Phase: The player can choose to do these in any order.
Open Chests: One Thief or Champion may open any number of chests and all other companions can open a single chest.
Quaff Potions: Any companion (including scroll die) can be used to quaff any number of potion dice. One potion equals on companion resurrected from the graveyard.
Dragon Phase: If there have been 3 Dragon Dice rolled then the current adventurer must battle the Dragon! The adventurer can only defeat the Dragon if they have 3 different companions to battle it with. If there are not 3 Dragon Dice, skip this phase.
Regroup Phase: Here the adventurer retires to the tavern. They collect experience points equal to the level they achieved on the Level Die. If the adventurer was brave enough and somehow made it all the way to Level 10 on this delve, they must retire and collect 10 experience points. The adventurer can keep seeking glory by going deeper into the Dungeon if they have not achieved Level 10 yet. Remember if the adventurer cannot defeat all the Monster Die, they must flee the Dungeon and no experience points are gained.
Once the delve is over, the adventurer passes the dice to the left and play begins again with that player.
Once all the adventurers have completed all three delves the game is over and the players count up their experience points. The one with the most wins!
Treasure: When a chest is opened during the Monster Phase, the current player gets to retrieve treasure from the Dungeon. These can be used during a players turn if applicable like a fighter token or a mage token which acts as an additional companion die. Once the toke is used it is returned to the box. All unused treasure tokens count as experience points at the end for the player that has them.
The components for Dungeon Roll are very good. The artwork is very nice, the dice are high quality with cool graphics and the tokens are small but serviceable and sturdy. The box is a cool treasure chest look for the packaging but I can see the lip on the inside getting damaged fairly easy so take care when closing the box. The Hero Cards are very attractive and of decent quality. As much room as in on the card, the text could have been bigger for people with eyesight issues but that is a super small quibble.
Dungeon Roll is an very fun, quick romp through the dungeon and in some ways the theme really comes through. This is a great filler game or travel game as it all fits in the small treasure box and is playable anywhere anytime as it really only lasts about 15 minutes each game. Designer Chris Darden did a great job of finding a way to mix the luck of dice rolling with strategy and the feel of a dungeon crawl in such a small, compact quick game. This is a winning design and game. Great job Chris and Tasty Minstrel Games.
I am giving this game 7 out 10 stars as it is very fun, quick and thematic at its core with just the right amount of luck and strategy for a filler game that keeps everyone engaged and is going to be great fun for kids and adults.
Alright, I’m an order type of guy, so let’s start from the top.
Replay Value I’ll give it a solid two because it has some replay value. The game plays the same each time but a person can be different characters. Given a little imagination one could come up with some interesting stories.
Components Three seems fair. I love the fact that it comes in a treasure box that you use during the game. Dice are solid construction, cardboard is what I’d call standard, certainly nothing to write home about. I’m a little concerned about how long the treasure box may last under use, though.
What I would really love to see is a game that came packaged in a way that stores the components well. This one works but isn’t taking home any awards from me. Sentinels of the Multiverse is about the closest I’ve seen. Smash Up went above and beyond, but at a price. I digress, moving on.
Easy to Learn This is where the game REALLY shines. If you are looking for something fun and easy to learn this is it! Even for a casual gamer, I wouldn’t advise this be the only game you try. However for that reluctant significant other who doesn’t know if they want to get into this whole “gaming” hobby of yours, or for that group sitting around stuck in the whole “I dunno, what do you wanna do?” loop, this game will do nicely. Who knows? This game may just be the introduction to gaming your friends need.
Dungeon Roll is the first and only Kickstarter I ever backed. I didn’t back it because I thought it would be this phenomenally immersive dungeon crawling experience, but rather because it looked like a good game I could play on my own and maybe with others.
The game is extremely easy to learn – roll up your party, then try to find the best combinations to fight as far as you can into the dungeon. The choices are usually pretty obvious, but there can be a few agonizing decisions along the way. I like the addition of the treasures, and how they can be kept for points or used for special abilities, which adds another level of choice – is the ability worth giving up the point?
Dungeon Roll is an excellent solo game, but I doubt I’ll ever recommend it for more than two players. With two, one player can roll the dungeon dice while the other takes a turn, but with more than that, there can be a lot of sitting around. I think that I’d like to see more ways to affect others in the future for the game.
If you’re looking for a highly interactive dungeon crawl, look elsewhere. If you want a good quick solo puzzle game, Dungeon Roll might be right for you. It just depends on your expectations.
Dungeon Roll is a good decent solo game. I have often pulled it out to play a few rounds here and there to kill some time while waiting for a download on my computer or what-have-you.
The problem with Dungeon Roll is that it is a decent solo game, but it says it is a game for 1 to 4 players. My experience tells me that it is not really for any more than one player.
When playing multiple players, there is a lot of downtime while player 2 is waiting for player 1 to finish their dungeon dive. I can imagine that it would only get worse it there are three or four players playing.
So, if you want to quick solo game to kill some time, then Dungeon Roll is a good pick. But if you want to play against another player, you may want to pick something else… or play with people with a lot of patience.
This is a great game with a standard theme and simple mechanics.
The rules are simple to understand and the dice are all color coded to help with that
The game has a few expansions out that don’t really change the fundamentals of the game, but allow for a wide selection of characters
It plays as well with one as multiplayer
components are top notch
the tokens are tiny, which can be frustrating at times (losing them, difficult to pick up, etc)
the game needs a player mat to keep dice tidy and add some theme
Overall, it is hard to find things I don’t like about this game, and despite the simplicity, it is a lot of fun every time we break it out.
The idea is really good, but the game just hits a wall after a few games.
Of the basic characters there are some that does way better than others. This makes an unfair advantage for some players, but also makes it clear which player may win. Usually the first dungeon run tells alot about how far a player can get. In generally it is too hard to get further than dungeon 5 or maybe 6.
The first game is okay, but it gets borring after a play or two.
I really wanted to like this one, given how much it raised on Kickstarter, but it really didn’t do it for me.
The box it comes in has some cool art, and it’s neat having a treasure chest, but the “hinge” is just paper and makes it feel cheap. The chest in Merchants and Marauders gives a much better feeling albeit a different function. The cards and dice are nice quality.
The game is played essentially by matching your adventurer dice that form your party against the monsters rolled for the dungeon. Certain adventurer dice can defeat entire groups of the same monsters are rolled. The adventurer dice that you use are sent to a graveyard when used.
It’s usually pretty obvious which dice should be used for the encounter so really the only decision worth making is whether you press on to the next level once your party is somewhat dwindled.
In a multiplayer game, only one player is actually doing anything and there’s no way to interact with other players. It makes for a decent solo game, but that’s about it.
There was a misprint in the rules (which was caught and now you can get the revision on boardgamegeek). In the original rules, there was also a minimum of three dungeon dice rolled on each level. They took that away for some reason and now it’s even easier. Overall, not much tension… not too interesting for me.
My brother picked this up from the Kickstarter and we were both pretty excited to try it out. We are always looking for quick-playing games that work well for two players.
I will start off with saying that the components for this game are fantastic. Everything looks great and it all fits into a nice little treasure chest (that is actually used during the game). The dice themselves are wonderfully produced and they feel nice when rolling. Also, the art and graphic design are all well done.
As for the gameplay, I have to say that I was pretty let down with this game. We only played with two players, and even then the down time for the other player was noticble. I couldn’t even imagine playing this game with more than two people. During a player’s turn, he basically has one choice; does he want to stop or keep going. Sure the game plays quickly and it’s a light game, but it just felt like you never really had to make a tough choice.
I’m sure some people will enjoy this game, but it really missed the mark for me. If you are looking for a light game that probably plays well for young children, you should definitely try it out.
So the ninja skill of this game is the character cards.
These cards modify the strategy of the game a lot. Imagine every time you played Zombie Dice things changed. That’s what happens here. Thing is, it took us three games before we really got the subtlety.
I feel that people are putting it away before it’s had a chance to shine. That said, it’s a casual game. We take it with us if we’re going to the local to grab a quick pizza. However it will make an appearance at the next game night.
The game’s downfall is that the player rolling for the dungeon doesn’t have any strategy – they’re just a dice rolling machine. The complicated fix would be to give each adventurer card a DM skill, so when you’re rolling as DM you could have an ability you could choose to play. The other way is to roll a D6 when the character rolls his party. Let’s say the die lands on 4. At any point after rolling, the DM could choose to re-roll up to 4 die before the character gets a chance to resolve.. So if as the DM I rolled 2 treasure chests in level 2, I could reroll them, and turn my reroll die from 4 to 2 indicating the amount of rerolls I have. It’s not huge, but it goes a long way towards keeping the DM roll interesting as opposed to mechanical. Give it a try.
BTW. I found the booklet really confusing, I had to watch a video online to understand the game.
This is a great little dice game, it travels fitting all fitting inside one small box.
I have thus far only played with two players, but it works well. While one in delving into the dungeon the other is rolling the dungeon dice, so no one is left doing nothing.
The components are well done. The dice are good quality. The artwork on the role/character cards are beautiful.
With the Hero Booster pack this game has massive replay value. You can be a different character each time. Each character has it’s own unique power that assists with the dungeon delving.
Stacking this game against titles suck as Le Havre, Dominion or other community favorites really does this title a disservice. When compared to other games in its vein (zombie dice, cosmic wimp out, etc) this game really shines. All said and done this is a meatier version of a filler game. Those expecting more will be sorely disappointed.
This is a good game to potentially get people unaccustomed to “non traditional” board gaming in the door.
This is also a good title to play with younger children. My 11 year old son loves this game. It dethroned zombie dice as his favorite dice game.
Pros: It’s a quickly played, well-made press-your-luck dice rolling game. The downtime between turns is convenient for playing during lunch with friends/coworkers. Bring it out for casual play or as a gateway game for those whose comfort zone it fits.
Cons: The downtime between turns means it is not an engaging experience for multiple players. I’m sure someone could home-rule a better multi-player variant.
Overall: I’m not going to play it with as much interest or competitive fervor as many other games, but I’m still glad to have this sort of option in my collection.