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Boss Monster
Overview This game is on its own a brilliant idea! I love 8 bit games and really do miss the good times we’ve had together. If I were to rate based on “Brilliant” alone this would get an easy 11 out of 10. However, because there is more to games than that, I’m afraid that in practice the rating has to drop…a bit.
Materials As straight forward as they come. One will find cards when opening the box, and a plastic “Organizer”. Truly nothing to write home about in here. Five years ago I wouldn’t have thought about reducing a game’s rating because of the packaging, but with so many games out there really bringing it in the packaging department, this one gets an unimpressed “meh”
Game play Again, brilliant to begin with, until you start playing. To those who are unfamiliar; the basic premise is that each player has a big bad boss and builds a dungeon in front of it. Each turn (as the dungeon is being built) heroes come from the local town and attack. If your dungeon kills the hero your boss collects its soul, otherwise it wounds your boss. First player to 10 souls wins, first player to 5 wounds looses. You build your dungeon one room per turn and can play spell cards to mess with the hero in your dungeon or mess with other players.
Straight forward for the most part. However, the heroes are usually either way overpowered (enter the tools of the hero kind expansion…yikes) or just plain easy. Also (as may have been mentioned before) the only thing that really does damage is the dungeon. Back in my day, if you survived the dungeon at all the boss at the very least was able to jab! Bosses here just sit back and take it. Would’ve liked to see a change there. Finally, the spell cards aren’t a given. You can use room abilities to draw from the spell card pile if you have those rooms, but otherwise it’s “Hands off” the spell deck. I would’ve liked to see a rule that allows for a spell card to be drawn each turn (like the room card). This would have negated my gripe about the boss not being able to fight back.
Easy to learn and play
Quick filler type game
AWESOME idea for a game!
Game mechanics seem a bit forced
Not enough access to spell cards