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Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game
This game is a zombie game, but it’s not the only focus. There is a psychological thriller aspect that is much more apparent.
Crossroads cards, these cards give the game a new flavor each time you play. After your turn you pick up a card and read it, you share the information if certain criteria are met. If not you don’t. They can be good or bad, depends on your standpoint.
Hidden Traitor, there may be one, there may not be.
Take turns searching for different survival gear, food, etc.
Share your findings. Or don’t. Depends on your goal.
Try to complete tasks as assigned by the mission card.
In the game you have your own secret objective, your attempt to complete the goal people may think you are a traitor.
The game is a blast. You accuse your best friend of being a traitor because they won’t share their tools. You may also exile them if you choose.
The game is great. Almost perfect if you ask me. You need the right group to play for sure.