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4606 xp
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Play a specific game 20 times.

I Walk the Talk!
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Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.

Explorer - Level 3
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

Give 100 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 100 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Doomtown: Reloaded - Base Set
Doomtown is different from other card games in two major areas.
1. Deckbuilding – There’s a lot of games out there where you can just slot multiple copies of the power cards in your deck. Take MtG for example, if you need lightning bolts, slot 4 of them. If you need counterspells, just put in 4 copies. DTR’s deck restrictions allow you to put in 4 of each suit value, take note, not card title, but suit value. So, when you’re building your 52 card deck, you can only have 4 of a particular suit value (let’s say 8 of Clubs). This is where it will get a little interesting. As more expansions are released, there will be more types of cards that will share the same suit value. In this base set, at the 8 of clubs, there are three cards sharing that value. Bounty Hunter, Reserves and Rumors are all powerful cards, but with a deck building limit of 4 of any suit value, which one makes it into your deck?
2. Shootouts – How you build your decks will also determine how well you will do in shootouts. Now, shootouts are a critical part of the game and based on what your card decisions, it will be easy to tell if you will win a shootout or not. As much as you can, you would like to have a good mix of Studs and Draws in your deck to enable you to hit your poker hands consistently.