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About Me
I am a social worker living in beautiful Denver, Colorado, and currently reading Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.
I love learning new games regardless of mechanics or theme. Sometimes I feel like I enjoy learning a game more than actually playing it, which is why I particularly enjoy games that evolve with the player and reveal their layers slowly...though I am not above a good dice game.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to this site for opening me up to the awesome world of kickstarter boardgames and the wonderful communities that support them.
Twitter: @iankile
I love learning new games regardless of mechanics or theme. Sometimes I feel like I enjoy learning a game more than actually playing it, which is why I particularly enjoy games that evolve with the player and reveal their layers slowly...though I am not above a good dice game.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to this site for opening me up to the awesome world of kickstarter boardgames and the wonderful communities that support them.
Twitter: @iankile
Why I bought Compounded: I bought Compounded based on the excellent reviews by @garbled and @melpomene; so, if after reading this review you are still on the fence, check out their reviews. The reason I was entertaining purchasing Compounded in the first place was because of the theme. Orcs, zombies, and elder things aren’t everyone’s bag of dice (or elements in this case), and I wanted to find a game to hook some of my non-gamer friends who weren’t into the whole fantasy/horror/sci-fi-thing that tends to dominate our table. When it came down to it, it was either Compounded or some game about farming sheep and feeding your kids…
The unboxing: Beautiful components! A bag of multicolored crystalline “elements,” large stat-tracking cards acting as lab tables, a scoring track that’s a periodic table, a stack of square “compound” cards, and assorted tokens for special items and the inevitable lab fires. The pieces could all be about 20% bigger, but it makes for a compact box I can easily throw in my bag. Also, the colors of the components are muted and calming. I know that’s kinda odd to say but I recently bought Nexus Ops (which has a fit inducing color scheme) so I thought it was worth mentioning.
A simplified breakdown of play: There is a 4×4 field of “compound” cards on the table. The goal is to draw and or trade for the right elements you need to complete compounds and thus gain points. The phases are 1) draw elements from the bag and trade if you want, 2) claim compounds in the field, 3) add elements to compounds, and 4) score compounds. Easy! Easier than being a lord of Waterdeep. There are also lab tools you can earn that give you special abilities; and as you complete more compounds you can “level up,” which lets you draw more elements in a turn, or place more elements in a turn, or claim more compounds in a turn, etc. Oh! and also there are lab fires (think Pandemic‘s outbreak cards or Forbidden Island‘s water level cards) that turn up, unintentionally and intentionally!
My first few plays: Learning the game from the rule book was…okay. What helped me the most was seeing it played on a video from Dice Hate Me Games’s site: linked here. Teaching Compounded is an absolute breeze. It takes about 3-4 turns to get the flow and after that it’s a piece of sulfur cake. The majority of the times I’ve played have been with two players, and I’m pleased to tell you that this is a great two-player game (and a great couples game). A dummy board is included to open up trading options, and it gives the other players a common “enemy.” Sure you’re still playing against each other but as long as Nobel (the dummy) doesn’t win you’ll both be happy. The more players you add the more interaction there is, especially when you are trading elements. Thankfully the turns go by quickly enough that even with five players there isn’t too much downtime.
Was Compounded worth it to me? Absolutely! It’s a unique game that’s easy to pick up and which may appeal to your friends who more grounded in reality than you. (This was certainly the case with me.) I found my copy at my FLGS but from what I’ve read it’s been sort of rare recently. Fortunately for you there is a kickstarter starting up as soon as August 1st (Thanks for the head’s up, @paladin!).
Would I recommend it to…?
Family Gamers: Yes! It’s got a unique theme that is easy to learn, and that has all sorts of educational opportunities.
Social Gamers: Maybe. There is player interaction but it’s limited to one phase per turn…and whenever someone lights someone else’s compound on fire. For us it’s enough player interaction to keep everyone talking and laughing for the length of the game.
Strategy Gamers: Maybe. It’s light strategy, maaaaaaybe medium-light. There is the random draw of elements
Casual Gamers: Yes! Easy to learn and easy to teach. It wraps up in about 40 to 45 minutes and you can get on with life.
Avid Gamers: Yes! Unique and perfectly applied theme. You know you have a friend out there that would join your game group if only there were a little less mythril and a little more molybdenum.
Power Gamers: No! Too simple and unpredictable (random element draw and lab fires). But hey, it’s science, and science will not be micromanaged!