Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

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running out of money
Meteor and Collapse
Folklore is on my radar since it’s playable solo but I find the price a bit high…need more thinking
Kickstarter seems to be caught between GenCon Indigestion and Essen Gluttony at the moment with the Cardboard Kingdom focusing on what’s new and tangible rather than what-could-be’s. Makes sense, but it seems to be making for a lot of ‘squeak funding’ in a place where stretchies make the world go round.
I’m surprised Slaughterball didn’t do better for itself without the close combat between bloodsport arenas this time around. 🙁 Not that it is my cup of tea – but I know @Account is a fan and it looks like it should have really taken off.
I’m more a long run watcher these days than a button pusher. The only things I’m in on at the moment are: Hooch (which I thought was a great idea that really got stuck between the rock and hard place of GenCon/Essen), Era (but don’t feel like getting shown a lot of add-on decks) and Superhuman: Rise to Power (which is one of those good ideas without a Kickstarter clue campaigns).
The Hai Eye is watching: Strife (definite button push), Gingerdead House (looks clever but I need more info), and Space Movers (which I liked the first time around but may hit the curse of the quick reboot).
This is more The Boy’s month on The Kick as he’s excited for and backing: Age of Conan, Dark Age Z, and Dragon’s Ransom (which we both tossed around because we like their flagship game of Boba Fett meets King of Tokyo – Hunters of Arcfall. He got the notice so laid claim). I’m sure he’s all over Folklore without telling me because if it Smells like Teen Heroquest he’s in. *sigh* It’s like chasing an Ex…
Like @Treebeard we did back Eminent Domain:Microcosm, but it felt more like buying promos for games we already had than pledging something we wanted. We enjoy a good quickie of the two-player variety on a Sunday afternoon so it wasn’t a wash, but cross-promo promotion always feels like a bit of dirty pool in my book.
I’ve been feeling like @Treebeard in that Kstarter’s offerings have seemed a bit lackluster to me. I haven’t backed anything since the Dungeon Dice expansion…until this week. I decided to back Ares’ expansion for Age of Conan. I’m doing this mostly to support Ares development of upcoming product lines. I’ve been really impressed with them recently and their dedication to their products and the work of their designers. Maybe if I throw enough money at them they’ll make a wargame based on the battles of the First Age! I sure would love to see an Ungoliant mini.
P.S. Strife looks great too and I would have ended up backing it if my brother hadn’t taken initiative. 😉
I have four carry-overs: Slaughterball, Island Dice, Strife: Legacy of the Eternals and Dead Drop.
Only one newly-backed campaign in the last two weeks:
Folklore: The Affliction: this very theme-heavy RPG/board game hybrid should do really well on Kickstarter. They brought it to Gencon, where it was well-regarded, so hopefully that takes some of the “first time project runner” stigma off of it. I may or may not go in for the stretch goal miniature add-ons if it gets there – I’m so behind on painting that I’m warming up to the cardboard standee option.
Kickstarter has been kind’a flat for me. I did finally back Eminent Domain: Microcosm, but I am starting to think that I will just wait till a game comes out to get it. Who wants it pay full price and wait 6 months for a game all the time. I will still watch the site and back occasional projects. I just think I am bone using it as a “pre-order” system.