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Space Hulk
1. The Components
Space Hulk is a little on the expensive side, but for those used to playing with Games Workshop stuff, it’s kind of old hat to drop $100 on something like this. That rather high cost being introduced makes me want to scream, “BUT WAIT! IT’S WORTH IT!!!!” Because, for people who love the Warhammer 40k Universe, and really for people who just enjoy a great game with amazing components, it is worth it. If you pay any attention at all to the “Hot” image feed, you’ll see a slew of Space Hulk components. One of the reasons I decided to get this game was because I wanted some awesome components, which they are, but you really don’t understand how great they are, until you’ve seen them in person. The figures are top notch quality. Honestly, I thought the detail and poses were better than many of my Warhammer 40k minis. The Terminator Squad has some awesome figures, and great detail that can be added by a skilled painter. The Tyranids are in the same vein, with some awesome looking figures that add some cool variety to the Genestealer mass. If you’d like to take a closer look at some of the components, just go to the image section of this game, and drool to your heart’s content. It’s important to note, for those who don’t know, that if you buy this game, you will have to assemble your own figures, and, if you wish, you can paint them. For my own personal, I used a Krylon plastic primer, color satin. This made painting very easy. To paint the rest of the30-40 figures, it took me around 18 hours. Maybe I’m slow, but I’m not the most experienced and I took a lot of time particularly on the Terminators. But anyone familiar with Games Workshop knows about great minis. One thing you wouldn’t expect, is the quality of the other components. The board is made up of cardboard room and corridor tiles that you rotate depending upon which mission you’re playing. These cardboard tiles are amazing quality. I was honestly shocked by how nice the tiles were. They have some great artwork, and will stand up to lots of wear and tear. So in conclusion of the components, you get some of the best components I’ve ever seen. Does that make it easier to swallow that $100 price tag? That’s up to you.
2. The Theme
Space Hulk is set in the Warhammer 40k Universe, which for those inexperience with it, has stories of humanity in the distant future where there is nothing but war with their own corruption, demonic forces, and the threat of alien races.
For those who don’t know, the basic story behind Space Hulk is that a derelict ship has coasted into range of a human world. The mightiest warriors of the Imperium of Man, the Space Marines, are sent to destroy the alien threat aboard the giant Space Hulk, so that the human techpriests can extract valuable lost technologies from the Space Hulk. I know there’s more to the story, you hardcore 40kers, but for those from the outside, that’s pretty much the basics. You play as either the Space Marines or the Tyranid Genestealers battling over objectives onboard the giant ship.
This game has a great theme, and it plays so well within the theme. I love a good game, but a game with really no theme, that tries to pretend it has one, or perhaps is too abstract, frustrates me, just a tiny bit. I’d rather have a good game with no theme, that a game with a painted on theme. But personally I believe the best work the theme right into the game, which Space Hulk has done perfectly. When I’m playing as the Space Marines, I feel a slight desperation everytime one of my few soldiers goes down. And I really feel like a commander, splitting up my different Space Marines to protect, or assault, different areas of the forgotten cruiser. When I play as the aliens, I feel like my many soldiers are basically very disposable. A game that gets you to think differently, and think within the theme, is a great game, which Space Hulk does, and it does it within a very fun, addicting game.
3. The Concept
Space Hulk is, for lack of a better description, a dungeon crawler game. As either side, you’ll venture through the corridors and long-lost rooms of the drifting labyrinth. Really, the concept, or the point of the game, changes depending upon what mission you’re playing. But basically, the Space Marines will have an objective, say to reach a certain room, or recover an artifact, and the Tyranids are attempting to stop them by killing them. While it might sound a little repetitive with 12 missions, it’s not. Each mission changes your squad of Marines, causing you to play the game a little differently. So the concept is great.
4. The Ending
Really, Space Hulk, gets closer to the ending depending upon how you play. If you move quicker, take riskier moves as the Marines, you’d get closer to your objective faster, but you might put your squad in danger. Most board games get a lot tenser as the game progresses, but Space Hulk is intense the entire game. Each turn that passes, really each action that is taken, especially by the alien player, is usually a huge deal. Lots of times, the Marines will barely close in on their objective, or the aliens will barely kill them off before they can. Unless one player is at a much higher skill level, or one is extremely lucky, the game should be intense and interesting.
5. The Game play
I’ve really covered most of this section in little bits sprinkled throughout the review. But, essentially, each player will move their different figures throughout the board, attempting to complete their missions and objectives. Each turn begins with the Space Marine player drawing a random command counter, which allows them to take extra actions either during their turn, or in response to actions that the Genestealers perform during their turn. This counter will span from numbers 1-6, and only the Space Marine player is allowed to see it. After drawing this counter, the Space Marine player has a timer turned which designates the time they have to take the rest of their turn in. Each Space Marine has 4 Actions to take each turn, but some actions, like backing up, and firing a Flame Thrower, cost 2 actions. So the Space Marines make their moves, and pass to the Tyranid player. The Tyranid player then takes a number of re-enforcement “blips” and moves them, along with the figures and blips already on the board. These “blips” represent a number of tyranids from 1-3, that only the Genestealer player knows until it is revealed by choice or by being seen by a Marine. This allows the Genestealer player a real element of surprise at times. So the game moves like that basically, back and forth, with the aliens attempting to close the gaps to get past the Marines powerful ranged Storm Bolters, and rip them apart with tooth and claw.
6. Replayability
Each mission offers a lot of replayability, and there are lots of custom maps here on the geek. Also you can design your own. But the custom maps included with the game in the mission book are very fun, and offer much more replayability than other games I’ve played with fixed maps and missions.
7. The “Luck” Factor
Those who read my reviews know how much I hate games with dice, really in any form. I suppose Space Hulk doesn’t bother me, even though dice determine the combat outcomes, mostly because there are some modifiers to make it less luck based. For instance, if a Space Marine shoots at the same target multiple times, he can hit on more numbers than if he shoots simply once. So is there luck involved? Yes, but this luck is minimal in my opinion.
Space Hulk is a great game. Actually, I’d probably put it as easily my favorite game right now. Maybe this will change, but I hope not, because I love seeing my beautifully painted pieces on the table