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Being able to manipulate your dice will help you a lot! While the others race for early colonies, expand your fleet and discover alien technology.
I recently played the game with 5 players using the 5th player components that come with the Factions Expansion. Unfortunately, I was the last in turn order, therefore during the course of the game, it became very difficult to me to dock a ship in the Lunar Mine (which is the station that allows you to collect ore). Why? Because the Lunar mine has limited space and dice number restrictions. So, as soon as I managed to launch my first colony, I placed it on the Heinlein Plains which in return allowed me to be the only player with the privilege of trading at 1:1 exchange rate (1 energy for 1 ore). Immediately I placed a Repulsion field on this zone. This allowed me to mitigate the lack of opportunities to exploit the mine. Although I did not win the game, I was the 2nd out of 5, and with only a 1 point difference from the winner.
Some people argue that the last player in turn order has less chances to win the game, I disagree. I have seen people who are last in turn orders to escalate in the score track and win the game.
Having trouble rolling 6’s? And when you do, hate the idea of sacrificing a ship? You could always use the colony constructor, but you have to roll triples! And who’s got 3 ore just lying around with all those raider-happy opponents?
Solution: try grabbing the Asimov Crater with your first colony, then get to work with the Colonist Hub: it doesn’t matter what you roll, and you can potentially churn out a new colony every other turn without losing a ship or needing a large cache of resources. Opponents won’t know what hit’em.
People who play Alien Frontiers for the first time usually spend a lot of time reading Alien Tech cards and Territory bonuses. For that reason, playing with beginners may last longer than desired.
So when I introduce Alien Frontiers to new players I usually play with one less colony. 4 players would only start with 5 colonies, for example.
That’s a clever and harmless way to balance the game length back to >90 minutes.
When using the Raider’s Outpost, don’t be afraid to steal an opponent’s Holographic Decoy. First, it now offers you added protection from the Raider’s Outpost. Second, it makes that player vunerable again to the Outpost.
Try having all your ships on the board along with the Blaster cannons alien tech when you get to the last three remaining colonies . This way you can dominate the Terraforming Station on the last rounds, landing a colony each turn and not leaving enough time for your opponents to catch up.
It can be hard to get ore resources at times, depending upon the value of the last die placed on the Lunar Mine. There are workarounds for this, however. One of the most volatile (but useful) methods of getting ore is to use the Orbital Market to transfer fuel to ore, but you need doubles to do it, and the value of the of the trade can be cheap (1 to 1) or expensive (6 to 1) depending on what you roll. The solution: Acquire control of the Heinlein Plains, which make the trading value of the Orbital Market always 1 to 1 for the player that controls it. Since the fuel resource is readily available, once you lock down the rate at the Orbital Market and lock it down, you can get ore in a more plentiful supply than anyone who uses the Lunar Mine.
Once you have the ore you need, you can choose to tackle the Colony Constructor, or use the Terraforming Station/Shipyard combination to recycle and build ships constantly.
Despite looking less powerful than other technologies, all the fields are extremely useful if utilised correctly. Use the (I) field early to hamper an opponent’s ability, use the (R) field to dominate one region important to your strategy and most of the time carefully timed use of the (P) field will grant you that one juicy victory point that will grant you victory
With two players there isn’t as much competition for areas on the planet. A good way to change this is for each player to choose an unused color and advance a colony on the colonist hub 3 spaces every turn placing it where they want when it reaches the end of the track. This causes each off color colony to be placed about every other turn. Players don’t score points for the off color but can use them to block the other player thus increasing the competition on the planet in an even manner.
Don’t be afraid to use the Terraforming Station during the game. Sure, you’re going to loose a die, but it’s a quick way to get colonies on the board. It’s usually pretty easy to get that die back later on in the game.
Bobo’s tip about getting tech early is awesome – the time spent acquiring technology, and the RIGHT technology for your strategy is time well spent. It’s worthwhile to know what tech is available, and get it, as this can swing a close game easily.
It’s also important to remember the tech you have – don’t get so many tech cards that you get overwhelmed and forget to use an advantage.
One of the most popular strategies I have seen is to try and acquire all seven ships on the board for use. This requires having to get the Alien Ship from the territory that supplies it, as well as having to maintain control of that territory. The benefit is obvious: With 7 ships/dice, you are virtually assured of being able to go anywhere you want. 7 dice means that not only are you guaranteed doubles on at least one set of die no matter what, but things like the Resource Cache Alien Tech card that you would lose if you rolled an equal number of evens and odds, cannot be lost in that manner.
Remember that you can wipe the alien tech cards with every die placed leading up to your purchase. Use this to cycle through the deck to get the alien tech cards that give you victory points and protect you from theft.
If someone else has the card that protects them from raiding, take it as soon as possible. Try and get the second of these cards to cause it to be discarded.
Each player receives a piece of alien tech at the start of the game that they can use. Sometimes it is an extra victory point to count at the end of the game, but more often than not it will be a useful tool to be used in game. Since it a piece of tech that you don’t have to hunt for, you can use it to design your style of play around. All alien tech requires fuel to use, but in cases like when you have the mind control helmet, it can be worth it to expend that fuel to meet your goals. Keep in mind, however, that a raiding party can still steal your tech, so keep your options open.
The best way to mitigate bad rolls is using some Alien cards like Stasis Beam/Booster Pod. The first one allows you to reduce a point in one die, and the second one to add one point. Let´s say you rolled a 6 and a 4. With Stasis Beam you could convert the 6 in a 5, and with booster pod convert the 4 in a 5. There you go, you have the double you needed so badly to build a ship in the shipyard!
So, as you can see, if you happen to have both cards in your tableau, you can easily manage to get a double, or even a triple.
Although tech is still key – the game can be played extremely well without the cards and space if you have an inexperienced player joining. You can then add them back, and it’s like a mini-expansion!
If you roll a 6 and doubles, place the 6 on the Terraforming Station and the doubles on the Shipyard. Resolve the Terraforming Station first, destroying your ship, and then build your ship with the Shipyard to gain that ship right back at a reduced cost.
The raider’s outpost is almost always the right choice. You deny your opponents precious resources. Do it. Do it often.
I ordered a set of replacement cards and within the new set was the mind control helmet and space crane cards