Twilight Imperium: Shattered Empire Expansion
At the end of empire, a faint wind rustled through Salai's robes. It was a calm, warm evening, and the bruised purple outline of the setting sun was still visible on the horizon. An evening made for calm contemplation and peace.
Verus came to his emperor's side for the last time. Together, the two stood in the trembling tower, silently witnessing a bloom of fires grow in their city like a garden of destruction.
The next wave of bombardments destroyed the imperial palace and everyone therein.
The Lazax empire has fallen - first into decay, and then, after a long twilight, into history. It is done and gone, but a new day is dawning, and your people have a new chance to mold the Twilight Imperium to the design of your race.
Twilight Imperium: Shattered Empire is an expansion for Twilight Imperium Third Edition. It enhances gameplay with a variety of new options and enables you to play with seven or eight players in an epic struggle for true galactic dominance!
Twilight Imperium: Shattered Empire includes:
- Four never-before-seen races join the struggle for empire!
- Two new colors of plastic units to allow for up to eight players in a single game.
- Dozens of new system tiles, including new special systems such as Ion Storms, Hope's End, trade stations, and the Wormhole Nexus.
- Brand new technologies for all eight players, including a new never-before-seen type of tech!
- Eight new variant strategy cards for a completely different gameplay experience, and an additional variant Imperial strategy card for optional use with the core strategy set.
- An even broader array of agendas and options in the form of new Action, Political, and Objective cards
- Facilities, shock troops, artifacts, space mines, and more!
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I’m a hardcore gamer and great fan of Twilight Imperium 3rd edition. For such fans like myself it pays to say that the strongest contribution of this expansion is the new Strategy Cards. They simply chance the game to a more fluid and dynamic experience, with the added bonus of centering the experience more on the board than in the selection of Strategy Cards (like the Imperial and Iniciative).
Also there are two new complete sets of miniatures in orange and gray with rules and board set-ups (downloadable from the FFG website: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com) for seven and eight players.
Together with additional options it more than doubles the intensity and fun of this games for far less the price of the base game. It can even make it shorter time wise.
Some of the most notable additions include:
Four new races;
(The Winnu – the same race of the Mecatol custodians, declaring that given the amount of culture and tech they have preserved from the earlier Lazax empire, they should lead the new empire;
Clan of Saar – a heavy nomadic race of canine like aliens, who were despised an massacred by almost all other races who won’t tolerate any more abuse and now flock in their amazing moveable space docks;
Yin brotherhood – a former Lazax empire renegade race, derived from the Federation of Sol after a cientist obsessed to save his wife’s life with the forbidden technics of cloning formed a cult of brothers with growing influence in every sector of the galaxy;
The Embers of Muaat – were slaves used by the Universities of Jol Nar to build their war sun prototype, managed to break free from their grasp after a pandemy crippled the Jol Nar home worlds. Now they demand to be heard… And learned to perfect the weapon they built before)
Enough tiles to create a fourth ring in the board (almost as much tiles as the base games has!);
Space Mines – add action to the Cruisers and a means to secure systems more strongly;
Simulated early turns to speed up the game a little;
Artifacts, giving new point acquisition options;
Territorial Distant Suns, maintaining the fun of exploration without the randomness it had before;
And (MUCH) more!