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About Me
I'm a gamer living in Québec (it means I speak french) so I apologize for my English.
I'm mostly a solo boardgaming player, most of my reviews, tips and comments will be for solo gaming experience.
I like reading the rulebooks, re reading and re re reading the rulebooks.
I just love Unboxing a new game...games...games..games. My wife think I'm ill or crazy...but it is not a suprise to anyone...isnt it?
My actual top 5 solo games
1- Fortune and Glory
2- Mage Knight
3- Eldritch Horror
4- Robinson Crusoé
5- Gears of wars
5b- Zombicide
5c- Race for the Galaxy
5d- Pathfinder Rise of the Runelord
Krosmaster: Arena
Summary of the game
In the OtherWorld, the Demons of Hours and Minutes are so bored that they use a magic ritual to lure the best Krosmaster warriors and make them fight in the arena for their own amusement. You are leading a team of 4 Krosmaster warriors in a battle where your tactical skills is the only path to victory.
Theme: fantasy, cartoon
Game category: miniatures, fighting, tactical
Mechanic: Action point, grid movement, dice rolling
Number of players: 2 to 4. Best with 2, 4 is chaotic but fun, 3 is unbalance
Age: 10+, my 11yo daughter didn’t have any problems learning the game.
Game type: competitive (free for all), team (2 Vs 2)
Game length: 60min
Quality of the game / Components:
The miniatures are the main reason to buy this game, they are just incredible. They are nice to look at and move around the board. Each one has his own personality. It’s easy to fall for one of the character
The 3D environment is a cool touch. It’s pretty fun to hide and move around the trees and bushes. The only negative point are the boxes. They don’t assemble well and keep falling apart. You will have no choice but gluing them and depending of your skills the the results can be a disaster and when you pay a good price for a game you expect more…but the miniatures makes you forget everything.
All the other components are made of great quality.
Design / Artwork
The game is very colorful and very suitable and attractive to children. The artwork is also incredible and unique for every figure. All the symbols are logic, easy to understand and remember. The character card are very well made
Rule book.
I have a mixed opinion about the rule book. The rule book is made of 7 tutorials that teaches you the game step by step, adding a few element from one to another. If you never play a board game and you follow the rulebook page by page it’s one of the best rule book you can get. But for me, after the first 3 tutorials I jumped directly to the rules sections and begin my first game to find out that there were a lots of missing information’s that were explained only in the tutorials. So the first games requires a lot of back and forth in the rulebook and that was painful. The back of the rule book have a nice summary sheet and after a few games it’s the only thing you will use
Learning the game
The game is easy to learn and teach. The mechanics are simple and standard. But still reading the rulebook and playing a learning game took us 2 hours. But after that we feel very comfortable with the game.
Set up
Except for the first setup where you have to punch out a lot of tokens and assemble the 3D environment including the gluing of the boxes the normal setup is very simple and fast. The board shows where to put the tokens, 3D elements and characters. What makes the setup longer is when you try to build the best team one character at the time. But even if you chose randomly, you still need to read your 4 characters card to be sure you understand how he plays before going in the battle
The difficulty of the game lies on the fact that each character have 2 unique attack possibility and special powers for critical hits, armour, tackle, dodge. With a total of 8 attack possibility it can be intimidating at first but after a few games you will find that Krosmaster. is not a difficult game at all. Also, it can be difficult to win against a more experience player.
What makes you want to replay a game is how fun it is to play it and this one is fun, a lot of fun.
But it’s true that there is not a lot of changes from a game to another. The variability comes with building a different team each game but with only 8 characters in the base set you will want something new…this is why there is a ton of other character you can add to the game. I did add 4 more characters and it change the game so much….just hope I will not become a Krosmater. miniature addict
Luck based
The combat modifications are dice based so yes there is a bit of a luck factor but it’s not your luck that will make you win or lose a game
Game play
The objective is quite simple, be the last player to own Galons of Glory tokens (GG). You start the game with 6 GG + 1 free GG available for the first player to grab it. There is 3 ways for getting GG;
1) Buy one for 10 Karmas (gold token that you can grab for 1 action on the board)
2) Every player lose 1 GG if the active player rolls 2 identical symbol on the dice at the start of his turn
3) Get 3 GG from your opponent if you knock out one of his character (no killing in the game)
At the beginning of a player turn, roll 2 dice and choose to give the dice power to 1 or 2 character or sell the dice for Karma (gold). The power can give you 1 more a dice when rolling for critical hits, defence, tackle or dodge.
The player plays his 4 character 1 after the other according to the Timeline (initiative value on the character card). The character can move according to his movement points (MP), cast a spell to attack an opponent, grab a Kama, buy a GG or buy a special power. Each character has his own number of Movement Point (MP) and Action point (AP) to use.
When it is done it’s the turn of the other player and you repeat until the victory.
Final thought
The first time my daughter saw the game she felt in love with the miniatures and wanted to get the game. I have to admit that the game is very appealing. At first I was not sure because we don’t usually play fighting or tactical game so we took time to watch game play videos in order to make our mind. We are so glad that we got this one, it’s a nice addition to our gaming shelf. It is the only game of that kind that we have and we are not looking for another one.
It is our new best daughter/father game and we play it on a regular basis. It is easy and fast to play. If you like this game you will also want to add more characters so be prepared to fall for the Krosmaster miniatures addiction.