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About Me
OH how my tastes have changed! I started gaming seriously with Arkham Horror and big box Ameritrash games, but have since fallen in love with little wooden cubes and heavier Euros
This game is a marriage of a number of different types of games:
1) A puzzle game
2) A strategy game
3) Tile placement game
4) Worker placement game(ish)
When combining different types of play you run the risk of congesting game play and bogging down the game with itself, but in the case of Enigma that doesn’t happen. All the game play elements work very well together creating a game that will challenge you with every decision. Game play works in the following manner:
The first player chooses a tile from one of the four different puzzle stacks. They are choosing based on the image on the top of the card of different types of conduits used to build and close electrical conduits to gain points.
Once the first player has chosen the other player/s choose in order, but only one of each type of puzzle can be chosen per turn limiting the game to four players. the types of puzzles are listed below:
1) Weights and measures: the player is assigned a certain number of wooden cubes representing “weights” to be used on a picture of a scale to balance both sides evenly (it’s trickier than it sounds)
2) Fragment puzzle: You’re presented a shadow image that you have to fill in using different shaped pieces
3)Conduit Puzzle: You have to connect and close off plumbing conduits with no open or blocked ends
4) Psychedelic colored block puzzle (not what it’s called, but how it seems!) You have to stack a series of colored blocks to form an image as viewed from above.
Once all the players have chosen a tile they simultaneously turn the tile to reveal their puzzle and begin to solve it. Once the first person solves their puzzle they then flip over the timer giving the remaining players 60 seconds to finish theirs. Once the timer runs out any players unable to solve their puzzle return the tiles to the bottom of the corresponding stack. The first player then “places” their tile wherever they choose as long as the tile they’re connecting to has an open conduit end. They then get to place their “worker” meeple on a conduit scoring points if the conduits is closed for each worker on the conduit. Play continues in this manner until a player reaches 15 points earning them the victory!
OVERALL IMPRESSION: I was impressed with how much strategy there really was in this game. I wasn’t expecting there to be much because I thought the game would focus more on the puzzle aspect, but when you get into building and closing conduits and choosing puzzles based on what other players have chosen as well as where you place your workers strategy is necessary. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not chess, but if you’re a strategy gamer I think you’ll enjoy it.
The puzzles are really fun as well. There are some that will make you want to throw them across the room, but you won’t rage quit because of them and with the number of them in the game you’ll be able to replay this quite a few times before memorization becomes a factor.
The one detractor is the theme. It’s pasted on and unnecessary. I love thematic games for the immersion they provide, but in the case of Enigma you’ll be immersed in the puzzles and decisions to be made so theme can go out the window.
I hope this review will help you in regards to Enigma. I’m new to review writing so forgive me if I’ve neglected anything otherwise enjoy gaming!