Claustrophobia: De Profundis
A return to Hell!
1635. Humans and infernal creatures confront each other for many months in the underground tunnels of New Jerusalem. These countless fierce battles eventually leave the warriors on both sides completely battered. Who can save the day?
With De Produndis, the Siccaria, powerful warriors, reinforce the human army, and terrible rabid hounds join the camp of the Underworld. New rooms with new effects and twelve Machiavellian scenarios await you in a hellish expansion!

images © Asmodee
User Reviews (1)
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Claustrophobia is one of my favourite games. We actually bought the expansion with the main game, but only started using the expansion components after we had finished the main game scenarios.
So what’s new?
The*hounds are the newest members of the demon player hordes. They are an excellent addition as they add a but more variety to the demon’s attacking options. When putting a*hound into play, the demon player assigns one of the dice of destiny to the*hound which determines it’s movement, combat and defense values for that turn. These values are assigned in the same way for each subsequent demon turn until the*hound is killed. When used correctly they can be very powerful and I think the addition of the*hounds will satisfy those who found the original demon hordes a bit too one note.
The heroes have not been forgotten and the Sicaria have been added to ramp up the human defenses against the dark hordes. What’s interesting though, is that the Sicaria aren’t actually used in the human team until the about the 6th scenario (of 12 new scenarios), which is a little odd. So we’ve haven’t actually gotten to the point of playing with them yet, as we’ve only played 3 or 4 scenarios so far. However, I can’t wait to get to use them because their ability cards are brutal! These gals are clearly made to kick some serious demon backside 🙂
Other than that, there are a few more subtle additions to the game which, while they may not bring vastly new mechanics or dimensions to the game, do add enough ‘newness’ to make it interesting and exciting to pick up an old favourite again.
Some of the new features:
– new dungeon tiles (including a healing fountain and a large room to fit 5 players from each side)
– cave-in tokens (used to block an entrance/exit of a tile)
– new event cards, gifts and objects
– 12 new scenarios
All in all, there is nothing hugely different or new in this expansion. However, if you are a fan of the first game, I don’t doubt that you will love the expansion. The designer has decided not to reinvent the wheel but rather to give fans of the game more of what made them fall in love with the game in the first place, adding just enough variety to make it exciting to break out the game again and whip some serious hero/demon butt!
(In my opinion, it’s worth it just for the*hounds!) 😀