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About Me
My gaming group consists of my boyfriend and I, as well as his 11 year old daughter on alternate weekends.
I will generally play any game that's at least a little pretty, however my boyfriend is thankfully more discerning having been a somewhat more reluctant gamer to begin with. So we tend towards thematic, immersive games that do not take forever to play. This means we're primarily Ameritrash/Adventure gamers, although a few theme-heavy Eurogames have begun to make their way onto our shelves. Favourite game to date? Mage Knight!
Loving every moment, I'm a very lucky girl!
Core Worlds
My thoughts on Dominion
I don’t like Dominion. For me the theme is bland and at the end of the game I’m left feeling underwhelmed. In terms of mechanics, I didn’t like the idea that the point of the game is to collect certain cards which give you victory points but those cards are essentially useless until scoring at the end of the game. Now most fans of Dominion will tell you that’s precisely the point and strategy of the game, but I found it frustrating and have generally stayed away from deck builders since.
My thoughts on Core Worlds
I love Core Worlds! Why? Well, like Dominion the goal of the game is to collect the most victory points, however, in my opinion, how you achieve that goal is much more engaging .
Key gameplay elements
In Core Worlds, the main way to get victory points is by invading planets, however once you’ve invaded a planet it then proceeds to give you more resources to continue in your galactic conquest (instead of gumming up your hand). Yet not all of the worlds are created equal and you often have to make the decision between one that will give you more resources and one that will give you more points at the end of the game.
As far as hand management goes, I like the fact that you get to keep one card in your hand at the end of each round; it adds to the strategy and forward planning which makes this game so much fun. This ties into the ability to deploy your units in advance to conquer worlds in later rounds, which is a mechanic I particularly enjoy. Also, the units are very thematic and the abilities they you give tie in well with the unit description and artwork.
Artwork & Components
On that note, I personally love the artwork. I’m a sci-fi fan and I think the illustrations are exceptionally thematic and engaging. As for the component quality, I really don’t have any complaints. The cards are linen-finished and although they are not made of the thickest card stock, they feel durable. We generally don’t sleeve cards unless absolutely necessary, and I don’t think that it’s necessary for Core Worlds. What was a little perplexing at first though, was the size of the box in comparison to the relatively small quantity of components. I can only assume that this is to accommodate future expansions, but it did initially deflate my unboxing excitement … if only a little 🙂
All in all, Core Worlds succeeds for me where Dominion did not. It combines an immersive theme with interesting mechanics to make this an enjoyable and very replayable deck builder, even for those who might be dubious of deck builders to begin with.