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Mage Wars: Core Set
First of all if you like strategy and wargames, you need to know that Mage Wars combines both well. Setting of the game and the “book” that you can pick your skills from seem unique in their own ways.
Even though rules are not very complex you need to understand the mechanics and rules well before playing due to the game is ability based. If you don’t know the abilities well, you can’t develop a strategy. That’s why i can suggest to watch some videos about game before or after reading rulebook to take a quick look.
Mage Wars are meant to make two or four players duel each other, it’s simple like that. Despite the game can be played by 2 or 4 players, I can tell 2 player version is better. If you play as four players pace of the game decreases a bit. Because Mage Wars has a turn based system. Units you have on the battlefield(board) have to do some actions for each turn. Once you’re done other player takes action and this goes on. Strategic desicions make it interesting and engaging. However this game is fun when pace is settled. You need to play it with wargamers or people who like strategic games. That’s why it’s not a family game.
There are mages and mage abilities in the game. If you don’t play fast enough it feels like playing a regular wargame rather than casting spells. If you learn game a bit after playing couple of times you can easily decide what you’ll do next. As you learn the game you’ll be able to decide faster and make better desicions or even read your opponents moves. This is when Mage Wars turns out “magical”. It makes you feel as if you really cast spells (with some imagination, we enjoyed that!). Afterwards you’re more into the game, there’s where strategy begins.
Strategy is big part of the game play. Without strategy there is no win. So you need to know your next move on the arena and spells you’ll use next. According to mage you choose your strategy changes. There are offensive and defensive ones. There are also lots of summonings to protect you for defensive gameplay for instance. Or you can even use your summonings as baits for an aggressive gameplay. It’s up to you and there’re many possibilities to play. Different scenarios and possibilities make it highly re-playable.
If you are a new player game takes long for sure. But once you get familiar with your book and spells inside it, game takes 60-75 mins.
To sum up Mage Wars is a game that every strategy players or wargamers must have. Take your time, watch some videos before playing. Learn some good starts and afterwards done with the basics you look forward to play it again.