Eight-Minute Empire
Build an empire and conquer the land in around eight minutes!
In Eight-Minute Empire, 2-5 players take turns selecting a card from six displayed. The card gives a good, and also has an action that the player takes immediately. Actions help players take over the map, but sets of goods are worth points at the end of the game, so players have to balance the two aspects.
Eight-Minute Empire is the super-quick area control game with tough decisions. It's easy to learn and perfect for when you only have a few minutes.
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This is a very quick and easy game, perfect to use while you are waiting for some late friend to join the group, or anytime just to have some quick fun.
Set up in two minutes: a small map divided in regions, a deck of cards and a handfull of coins. Every player gets their color of wooden cubes (armies) and a number of coins depending on the number of players. Place three of your armies in the starting city, draw 6 cards face up, make a bid for starting player and go for it!
This is an area control game. At the end you will score 1 victory point for each area in which you have the most armies. The map is divided in some continents and you will also score 1 victory point for each continent in which you have the more controlled areas.
Number of turns also depend on the number of players (the more players the less turns) Each turn you will buy 1 of the face up cards, cost in coins left to right 0/1/1/2/2/3, move them to the left a place a new face up to the right (on cost 3). The card will have printed the action you will made that turn, basically:
– Place new armies
– Move your armies through land
– Move your armies through sea
– Place a new city (new armies always appear on starting city or in any of your other cities)
Sounds easy? Beware, your starting coins are all you have for the entire game. Run out of them and you will be forced to take the 0 cost card, wether useful for you or not.
Finally, the cards have also a resource printed of them, between a few different types. At the end you will score also some victory points depending on the groups of resources you have bought.
Again, this is a very simple game, but quite fun to spare time, and also a good option to introduce newcomers to boardgaming. 8 minutes could be quite optimistic, but for sure is possible to play in 15, and the most of them would be spend on your 1-2 last turns, when you will realize maybe it wasn’t as easy to play as to become the emperor!
Eight-Minute Empire could be described as wargame. It has armies, their leaders contest for territory, and at the end of the game, the leader who holds the most territory wins the game. It is though not a wargame—certainly not in a traditional sense—but is instead a Eurogame that combines area control and card drafting mechanics with a set collection mechanic. It is a little game with big themes that can be played through in the Eight-Minutes of the title with just two players, but just twenty minutes with the maximum number of five players.
Inside Eight-Minute Empire’s small, square box can be found one double-sided map board, a four-page rulebook, forty-two cards, and five sets of armies, forty-four coins, and ten Goods Tokens. The map board depicts various continents broken up into regions, connected by safe sea routes. At the centre of the map stands a city—this is the starting point for the game. At the top of the map is a line of numbers—[0], [1], [1], [2], [2], [2], and [3]. These are the costs that a player will have to pay for the cards placed in the corresponding line placed at the top of the board. The cards are marked with an order that the leader will give his armies and with a Good such as a Carrot, Pine Tree, or a Gem. A leader will gain more Victory Points if he has managed to collect these symbols in sets by the end of the game. The five armies—in blue, green, pink, red, and yellow—each consist of fourteen cubes (the armies) and three discs (the cities). The coin tokens are used to purchase cards and the Goods tokens replicated the symbols on the cards and are used as part of the game’s advanced options.
At the start of the game, the cards are shuffled and six laid out at the top of the board face up. Each player receives his armies and some coins. Initially he will use these to bid on who goes first in the game, but their primary use is to purchase cards. He will also place three armies in the starting region. On his turn, he will purchase one of the cards at the top of the board, the cost being determined by its position in the line. Cards towards the left are free or cheap and get progressively more expensive to the right.
Purchasing a card gains a player its Goods symbol and an order that he can give his armies. This order may be to place armies (from his reserve onto the board), move armies (already on the board), move armies by sea (already on the board along a sea route between continents), destroy armies (remove an army from the board), or build cities (in a region where a player has armies). Some cards give a choice of options, others two options, while others give the player the choice of Goods symbol at the end of game to add to the sets he is collecting.
Each player has two aims in the game. The first is to dominate as many regions as possible—a player needs to have the most armies in a region to hold it, though having a city in a region will also contribute towards the number of armies in a region. The second is to collect sets of Goods tokens. At the end of the game, a player will receive a Victory Point for each Region he controls and for each Continent he controls. He will also receive Victory Points for each set of Goods cards he has, the number varying from one Good to another. For example, three Carrots scores a player one Victory Point, five Carrots two Victory Points, seven Carrots three Victory Points, and eight Carrots five Victory Points, whereas one Gem scores a player one Victory Point, two Gems two Victory Points, three Gems three Victory Points, and four Gems five Victory Points. The player with the most Victory Points is the winner.
The Eight-Minute Empire rulebook does a little cheap, but it is clearly written. The other components are all of a high quality. It could be argued that the auction at the start for first player delivers little given its potential cost. One way to balance this would be to have an auction at the start of every turn, but the game does not include enough gold for this. If it did, it would also mean that the players might have too much gold with which to purchase their cards. Another issue might the game’s lack of theme. My suggestion would be that the Emperor’s sons’ rivalry threatens to erupt into civil war, so he directs his sons to take their armies and compete for dominance without course to open conflict.
Interestingly, the game’s feel and flow will be influenced by the cards drawn. For example, the lack of Sea movement cards would limit travel to other continents, concentrating the contest for territory to a limited area, whilst lots of them, would enable the players to spread their armies and vie for wider regions. Balance this against the need to collect Goods for sets and limited gold to spend, and a player has some tight choices to make over the course of cards he must choose—varying according to the number of players, more players means fewer cards. Eight-Minute combines tactical play in its armies and area control with strategic decisions in the Goods needed for sets in a pleasing presented and re-playable package. The result is that Eight-Minute Empire is a rather charming little filler.
This game is easy to learn and fast to play. it is a resource gathering game where you get to conquer the world to get the most points and to get the best resources. this is a game that is best played after one of those big games and when you wanna introduce someone to the world of gaming on the table. this is a nice game for those who need to fill some time.
this is a game that is good due to it being so short and easy to learn and always a fun game that is always fun and always a good game to pull out in times of doubt.