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Review 8 games and receive a total of 380 positive review ratings.

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Old Bones
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Critic (lvl 3)
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745 xp
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1842 xp
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757 xp
About Me
I am a Spanish Gamer.
I started with roleplaying games at the age of 11, and spent lots of hours on it. Boardgaming entered our sesions slowly, mostly with dungeon crawlers.
Today i am open to any kind of game, while life does not leave the needed time to roleplay, i am glad to be able to spend some of my free time with boardgaming.
Imperial Settlers
The mechanics have been already discussed, so i want to add this is a great game for two players. In our case it has become a favorite to play with my gf.
When playing two players is really quick, wiht almost no downtime between turns, and become more strategic as it is easy for watch which engine your opponent is building and so try to interrupt some how (which i find a nightmare in 4 players game)
The bad point on the 2 players is that each one becomes the unique target for the agressions of the other, but this is also an added factor to take care of. We have anyway made some tweaks on the shields mechanics for our two player sesions.
So, if you are looking for a two player consider seriously this game, while be quite sure if you are thinking to play with four: in this case i find the downtime too much, as well as being too difficult to follow your opponents makes that most probably you will end up playing on your own and feeling like 4 guys at a table each one playing its solitaire game.