gamer level 6
9008 xp
9008 xp
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Follow a total of 30 games
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 3)
895 xp
895 xp
Explorer (lvl 4)
1848 xp
1848 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
677 xp
677 xp
Reporter (lvl 2)
335 xp
335 xp
About Me
I'm active duty military and play what I can when I find the time. I love certain CCGs and pick up little bits here and there. Big fan of big box wargames and strategy games. Game most played lately is Carcassonne with the family.
Cartoon Network Fluxx
If your familiar with Fluxx then this edition will not be overly taxing. Like other versions of Fluxx the rules change as you play and you must collect Keepers to meet your goals. What sets this version apart is there are several cards that meta reference the different shows. For example, there is one action that lets you steal a keeper from another player provided you have another keeper from the same show.
Our kids dig the different ways this version groups it’s goals, (Finn’s buddies, boys and girls, etc.) We like how the characters are a mix of old and new shows. It doesn’t matter what our son is doing, if we ask if he wants to play CN Fluxx, he is all about it. If you have kids (or love CN like we do), then this is an excellent and inexpensive addition to your collection.