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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
220 xp
220 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
1198 xp
1198 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
258 xp
258 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
186 xp
186 xp
About Me
I enjoy playing games with my husband and occasionally solo. I also enjoy introducing games to my young children. Card drafting is an essential kindergarten skill, right?
Yardmaster Express
Forget the 13+ age rating. Can your kids play UNO? Good. Then they can and should try Yardmaster Express.
There is only one hand of cards that players share, and turns are lightning fast. Draw a card, play a card, pass the hand.
The card-play is reminiscent of UNO, if UNO weren’t tediously long. Each card has two train cars on it. You must match either the color or number to the previous car in your personal train. You may instead choose to flip a card over and use its wild side, though this garners fewer points and may break up a valuable color streak.
The drafting mechanic really allows this game to shine. First, it is the simplest possible introduction to drafting; with only one small hand of cards, passing hands never gets confusing, even with the youngest players. Second, the drafting mechanic provides some take-that action (like UNO) without shoving anyone out of the game (I.e. Skip cards and Draw 4s).
Scoring is simple addition with some fun bonuses if you use the optional caboose cards.
This game is so short and sweet, perfect for waiting rooms anddelays, it belongs in every mom’s purse or dad’s coat pocket.