Star Wars: Epic Duels
Individual battles between famous Star Wars characters set on different board locations. Players choose a major character that has one or two minor characters with it. Each set of characters has its own deck of cards which are used for attack, defense, or special abilities. Each deck is unique with certain special powers relevant to the major character. There are different modes of play; one on one battles, up to three teams can play against each other, or up to six players can play a free for all, last man standing battle.
Battle fields included are Geonosis, Emperor's Throne Room, Carbon-Freezing Room, and a landing platform.
User Reviews (2)
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This is a game that I feel gets lost or forgotten with all the other Star Wars games that are out there. Which is too bad because it is a fantastic game.
A ton of choices of characters you can play. Plus just as many combinations. So if you want Luke and Leah to match up with Han and Chewie you can or have the Fetts team-up for bounty hunters-r-us vs. Mace and Yoda. Lots of versatility and replay ability.
The game play is simple, which means younger kids can enjoy it. But there is enough strategy to keep the avid gamer entertained.
Four different boards give you four playing fields to play on, each one some different obstacles adding to the over-all strategy.
The game is good with 2-6 players. You can play every person for themselves or team-up.
The length of the game is right around 30 min. I feel like playing again after one game is done and could easily play best 2 out 3 or 3 out of 5.
This game is kind of hard to find but if you get the chance it is worth the effort to get it.
Man, I LOVE this game. As the publisher overview states, there are lots of characters to choose from, which is a huge draw: Vader w/ storm troopers, Palpatine w/ royal guards, Boba Fett w/ Greedo, Jango Fett w/ Zam, Han w/ Chewie, Luke w/ Leia, Anakin w/ Padme, Darth Maul w/ battle droids, Dooku w/ super battle droids, Mace, Yoda, Obi-Wan all w/ clone troopers.
What’s even better is that one can find online the mass love for the game, with people who have created Star Wars characters as additions to the ones the game originally comes with (just check onilne!). The game uses strategy and some luck (rolling a die for movement, hopefully picking up the “good cards” on your turn) in defeating the other players. While I can’t speak for any people created characters, the characters that originally come with the game are pretty evenly matched, at least from what I’ve found.
I do wish that it had come with more battle fields, but that can be remedied with your own creations I suppose. The special abilities in the decks of cards for each character are unique, and really add to the strategy of the game. Overall, a great Star Wars board game.