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16708 xp
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Earn Professor XP to level up by completing Professor Quests!

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Submit 10 game tips, strategies, or house rules and receive a total of 270 positive ratings.

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Critic (lvl 3)
1435 xp
1435 xp
Explorer (lvl 4)
1708 xp
1708 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
816 xp
816 xp
Reporter (lvl 2)
445 xp
445 xp
About Me
I am fortunate to have a family both growing up and which I am the father too that loves games. Games, whether card, dice, board or a combination of all are a vehicle for learning many important lessons and forming a strong bond with my parents, siblings, wife, children, and friends.
I enjoy all types of games. Some have more replay value then others and I have to be in a certain mood to play others. Sometimes it's the group of people around you that makes the game. I gravitate to games like Settlers of Catan, Seven Wonders, Smallworld, Stone Age and Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2nd ed.)
I love learning new games, with new strategies, different mechanics, but I also love classic games like Risk, Rook, even Monopoly every once in awhile.
I like that games make me think of new ways to achieve success. Games allow me a window to see how people work, what their passions are, how they approach a challenge. If I'm paying attention I can learn from that not only in gaming but in real life challenges. Games feed my competitive nature and allow me to strengthen importance of teamwork and group dynamics.
Someday I hope to have a place that nurtures the best qualities of games. I'm just not sure if that is a store, gaming cafe, or just more regular gaming groups. It would be nice to a make a living on the thing I love.
Castle Panic
I have written a few reviews about cooperative games and most of the things that appeal to me about them are found in this game. Let me quickly touch on the highlights.
1. Castle Panic is light, easy to learn. This allows a large group of players to enjoy it.
2. Having up to six players is nice, because sometimes you have more than four. I also like the Solo option because I’m an early riser and it gives me something to do while people are still sleeping.
3. I like the theme of protecting your castle from the charging horde. A little different from Scotland Yard where you work together to catch Mr. X or Forbidden Island where you collect the treasure and get off the Island before it sinks.
4. Teamwork is fun, and if played right no one has to feel like a loser because we all are in it together.
5. The game doesn’t take long the advertised hour is an exaggeration.
6. The downside is… co-op games can easily be taken over by a couple of strong personalities. And after you play the game a couple of times the strategies tend to be repetitive.
My family likes this game when we want to work together to solve a problem, when we want a light game, one that can be played in less than an hour and when we just want to have fun, not looking for a huge mental challenge.