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Sideburn Jim

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13 out of 18 gamers thought this was helpful

Man, I LOVE this game. As the publisher overview states, there are lots of characters to choose from, which is a huge draw: Vader w/ storm troopers, Palpatine w/ royal guards, Boba Fett w/ Greedo, Jango Fett w/ Zam, Han w/ Chewie, Luke w/ Leia, Anakin w/ Padme, Darth Maul w/ battle droids, Dooku w/ super battle droids, Mace, Yoda, Obi-Wan all w/ clone troopers.

What’s even better is that one can find online the mass love for the game, with people who have created Star Wars characters as additions to the ones the game originally comes with (just check onilne!). The game uses strategy and some luck (rolling a die for movement, hopefully picking up the “good cards” on your turn) in defeating the other players. While I can’t speak for any people created characters, the characters that originally come with the game are pretty evenly matched, at least from what I’ve found.

I do wish that it had come with more battle fields, but that can be remedied with your own creations I suppose. The special abilities in the decks of cards for each character are unique, and really add to the strategy of the game. Overall, a great Star Wars board game.

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72 out of 98 gamers thought this was helpful

Just as some others have said, this was one of my very first role playing games. I loved everything about it. I won’t go into detail about how the game is set up, or how it’s played, as many others before me have already done so. But what I will say is how much I enjoyed the replay value. Yes, there were expansions for the game (which I had two of them… unsure now if there were more – this was many moons ago), but what I most enjoyed about it was creating my own dungeons.

I remember photocopying the grid of the dungeon map (which came with the instruction manual (I believe anyway)), and then creating my own adventures, complete with back stories and quests and missions. Another cool aspect I enjoyed was that the weapons one could purchase for their respective characters, took up specific amounts of slots in their inventory, on a grid fashion (think Diablo on the PC). Naturally, I created my own weapons which I added to the inventory, with their own slots and damage they dealt.

My only problem was finding people to play with me when I wanted (which was quite often), but that still did not deviate from the amount of fun I had with this game. Good times indeed.

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