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What are you playing this weekend? (Oct 30)

Posted by Account Deletion {Family Gamer} | 30-Oct-15 | 23 comments

We won’t have much time for games this weekend with a bunch of Halloween activities planned with the kids. At best, we might be able to work in a round or two of The Nightmare Before Christmas Munchkin, which we’ve been playing to death for the last couple weeks. For lovers of the movie, this is probably the best Munchkin version to play. I particularly love the use of townships instead of classes (certain cards work only for citizens of Halloweentown, Christmastown, etc.).

What are you playing this weekend?

Comments (23)

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I'm a Gamin' Fiend!
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Got in a game of King of Tokyo, Elder Signs, and Smash Up. Also kicked it old school with Dungeon!

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Guardian Angel

Well, I rounded out the weekend on Sunday playing Blind Hen. Jagd der Vampir, and Hearts.

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First Run of Time Stories
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Impreial Settlers and Tokaido again

My oldest daughter and I set up Robinson Crusoe, we were 30 minutes into going through the rules and I could see her eyes starting to glaze. So she and I went and played something else and I came back to it later, got through the rules a played a couple rounds. Very excited to get back into it when I have time.

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Stone of the Sun

Got a chance to play Codenames on the weekend – it really is a fun party game, and I found it kept everyone engaged even on the opposing team’s turn.

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Torrential rains this weekend have slowed my gaming plans down but I did get to play some Blood Rage yesterday. I am heading to a group today so I’ll see what I get to play later.

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Got a couple of games of Heroes wanted in yesterday and learned the game. Quite fun. Played the suggested first game scenario and thought fun easy game, then replayed scenario with random villain created and full villain hit points and dang, much more thought and strategy needed to survive, cause that villain hit hard “Cat Punk” is not an easy villain to contend with.
Played a round of King of Tokyo and then got introduced to Catacombs after that.

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Guardian Angel

Light gaming weekend due to Halloween.

Saturday: Eldritch Horror & Agents of Smersh

Today: Wellington: The Peninsular War

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We made it through 4 of 5 adventures of AP6 of Wrath of the Righteous. Only got the final scenario left and what feels like a promo scenario 😉

We’ve still not lost a single scenario although it has been close on more than one occasion.

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The Nieces are over for a Treats and Tricks sleepover. The Mice and Mystics homespun adventure this year was called ‘Brew Cheese and the stalwart rodents had to battle some extremely tiny zombies courtesy of Zombicide finding a way to stop the Sorcerer’s Apprentice like hordes and get some candied cheese. Yummy. Followed by Night of the Living Dice gaming- King of Tokyo and Space Movers hit the table and we finished with sort of Munchkin Bites vs sleepy faces.

Tomorrow after (Exeunt Nieces) and an aftermath nap I prepare for the commencement of the Last Night on Earth Season 3 campaign and all these ‘surprises’ I have heard about for the past few weeks.

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Hope to get in some Zombicide, Zombies!!!, Last Night On Earth, A Touch of Evil. Might throw in a game of Fortune and Glory.

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Played Forbidden Island last night with my mother-in-law. she enjoyed it, so maybe another round. Also probably Niya and Hive with the kids.

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Comic Book Fan

We will play Zombicide this weekend in honor of Halloween.

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Book Lover

For this weekend I will play village and city of thievese with my friends.

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Well, first of all, Nightmare Before Christmas is a must! After that, anything will suffice….. Zombie Dice….. The Walking Dead…… Zombicide…… Any of those will do!

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Received Dexikon, and psyched to try and see if it measures against the awesomeness that is Paperback

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Z-Man Games fan
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Stone of the Sun

Halloween is my birthday. My wife said I will be getting a game… so when I get it I’ll play it. Can’t wait!

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Rated 5 Games

Not much time either.
Plan on playing a few games of Star Realms with my kids and wife.
And maybe a couple of quick Dead Man’s Draw games also.

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Gamer - Level 9
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Guardian Angel

I got an early jump on weekend gaming yesterday with a couple games each of the new edition of Blind Hen(Blindes Huhn) from Essen, and Jagd Der Vampir. More gaming to come tomorrow and Sunday.

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Movie Lover
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I play blue

Hmmm. Maybe Zombie Dice, Castle Panic, Forbidden Island, and some old horror flicks to celebrate Halloween.

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