gamer level 7
19493 xp
19493 xp
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Rosetta Stone
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

Explorer - Level 5
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

Time Well Spent - Games
Click on the hourglass 100 times that appears when you are browsing Game pages. learn more >
Click on the hourglass 100 times that appears when you are browsing Game pages. learn more >

Mask of Agamemnon
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Krosmaster: Arena
Krosmaster Arena is all about the miniatures and simple gameplay. It’s your typical battle game with just enough tactical for casual players like me.
After building your team of 4 Krosmasters the first player activates his character one after another to move and / or to spend actions point to cast spells, buy special powers and grab coins. You start the game with 6 Gallons of Glory (GG) and the objective is to remove the other players GG by knocking out his character or stealing his GG for 10 gold. The last one standing with GG’s is the winner.
– The miniatures
– The components and the 3D elements
– Simple game mechanics
– Easy to learn and easy to teach, thanks to the rulebook and the tutorials
– Fast to set up
– Plays around an hour
– Fun to play
– And again the miniatures
– The 3D boxes that are hard to build and keeps falling apart
– Need to buy more miniatures for better replayability
– The cost of the game