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About Me
Collecting and playing the 'better boardgames' is a new interest for me. I loved boardgames when I was a child, later on I was more a pc-gamer (strategy, some role playing and sport games), but recently I discovered a new world of boardgames...
Other interests: birding and cycling.
Set collecting by worker placement for 2 players only is the game concept, the goal is to be the most influential Touareg tribe in the Sahara region
The small package contains some meeples (Targi,tribe and robber), simple cardboard pieces for the goods and nice cards to form the player board.
Clear rulebook, yet some minor interpretation issues are possible.
I like the original twist of worker placement in this game and the fluid gameplay. The intersection concept and blocking possibilities makes this game challenging. Every setup is different so replayability is no issue.
Negative points
Some may find this a pasted-on theme, I don’t…
Excellent 2-player game!
Targi Review with Suzanne McHale: https://youtu.be/VrY657__eDg