Zombicide: Black Plague has been patiently waiting for over a month now, so hopefully we can reward it with some table time in the next few days. Must play one Cool Mini game before the next is delivered (B-Sieged is due Tuesday).
What are you playing this weekend?
Big gaming weekend with long time friends.
We start around 3:00 PM and usually go until 2:00 AM.
Games I will be suggesting are Dice City, Viceroy, Munchkin Quest, Pandemic and Splendor.
Friday was a gamenight with my neighbour and a round of Elder Sign and Thunder Alley.
As I’ve picked up all missing LotR expansions in January I’ve spent a lot of time reorganizing my cards as well as rebuilding a few decks so on Sunday I finally got to play again testing a mono lore Ent deck and a new improved Rohan deck.
Finally got around to playing through the first chapter of Mice & Mystics. Also played Smash Up and Castle Panic
This was on the table this weekend:
– Two player games: Patchwork & Agricola All Creatures Big and Small
– Stone Age for the first time, it was very amusing: someone always wanted to go on a hunt for food or gold, another player desperately wanted to go up on the food track, but forgot that move every time on his first turn… My explanation could have been better maybe?
– Camel (c)up, with 6 players: I’ve won massively, who said this was a lucky game?
And finally I kept scores in a Qwirkle game, because I’ve won already too much (ahum).
Sunday: The Boy and I puzzle quested our way through Assault on Doomrock with the Doompocalypse expansion.
Saturday’s Game Night Gathering saw a ‘Vs.’ as we took two Viking Worker Placements to the Table: Raiders of the North Sea and Champions of Midgard. We played quite a bit of Raiders over the holidays as it is fairly easy to pick up and yet is a pretty crunchy Euro VP Salad. Midgard was immense fun and the set collection/dice killing mechanics were interesting, but I don’t see why various talking heads on the Interwebz tout it as the ‘Waterdeep Replacement’ when they are completely different animals.
Also had an interesting time playing X-men:Mutant Revolution the Marvel reskinning of Spartacus:Blood and Treachery. I’m not one for games that spend too long in the auction house bidding for things you want, but it was fun to gather your own personal hot-list team of X-sies and send them into the arena for whatever mission came up. The mutant roster was pretty large and some tough tweening decisions had to be made beyond Emma Frost always over Jean Grey.
@hahma jealous … I’m still waiting for retail copies of Mercs Recon
Had our monthly games get-together in a local pub (6 of us). Played Mafia de Cuba, Mysterium, Spyfall, and Kakerlakenpoker Royal
Played Mercs Recon twice and also Between Two Cities once.
Got to enjoy Manhattan Project and X-Wing with my daughter.
Played some Star Realms. Got a couple of new games on order that come in next week: Code Names, Concordia, and expansion to Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Secrets. Hopefully, I can update next week.
Yesterday we played a couple of missions for Space Cadets: away missions; Splendor; Roll Through the Galaxy with the Ambition expansion.
Not much for gaming this weekend. Illness and flying solo this weekend, but might try Zombicide: Black Plague solo.
Got to play Burgle bros, love letter, and star realms with my wife. Went and played with some friends: We played Castles of Mad King Ludwig, first time for me and I loved it. Then we played Expedition: Famous Explorers and it wasn’t for me.
Sentinels of Multiverse, just like every weekend.
Another light gaming weekend. Played Wallenstein, Peloponnes & Hyperborea today.
My wife and I are getting our Leacock and Bauza fix with Takenoko, Pandemic, and Pandemic: On the Brink.
I’ll be bringing Istanbul with the Mocha & Baksheesh expansion to my table.
Getting my wife comfortable for a big gaming night next week. We will be playing Kings of Air and Steam, Small World with some expansions and Dice City
Got to squeeze in a few rounds of Yinsh last night. Think that will be it this weekend.
Almost from nowhere Uluru and Modern Art hit the table Saturday afternoon. Never played either and both where good fun.