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About Me
I am currently running a RPG group on Roll20.net for DnD5E. In the past we have played Pathfinder, Dresden Files, World of Darkness and various other RPGS. We really enjoy cooperative games and have recently discovered legacy games. Our current addiction is Gloomhaven and Pandemic Season 2.
Stuffed Fables
Stuffed Fables is a storybook adventure where the stuffed animals protect their children from nightmares. It is designed for ages 7+ but as it is written, I would guess it needs to be closer to 10+. Here are the reasons I like it and why the age should be modified:
There is a lot of story here. I liked the story and enjoyed getting into the world. However, the kids I know (and some adults) can’t sit still listening to a page of story before anything happens. If you are playing with youngsters, I would suggest reading the story ahead of time and paraphrasing for your audience.
The mechanics are straight forward. Different colored dice go into a bag and the colors you pull that turn determine if you can heal, move, melee or ranged attack, and if the bad guys activate that turn. There are wild dice to group with other colors. Dice can be rolled individually for more actions or same colors can be rolled and added together for more chance of success. Items and abilities also grant bonuses and/or change the color of dice.
The scenario book is also the map. There are times I want to set out massive tile maps and there are times I just want to play. The book drastically reduces setup time. In our first play through, we did the whole first adventure in 3.5 hours and we went through 4 maps. Side note – the adventures are split into smaller sections and we could have split them up and come back later if we wanted to.
Who this is for: Players looking for a lighter version of Jaws of the Lion, a game to play with youngsters, and adorable miniatures.
Who might enjoy this less: Power players looking for crunchy tactical battles, those less interested in the the children’s story style, or those that want a heavier plot.